Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Is Going Green Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

What Is Going Green - Essay Example Due to the massive and colossal damage that the global warming is bringing to the universe, going green is one of the solutions through which the human populace can protect and safeguard it. While going green, it means that the humankind is making an effort to sustain, uphold, and preserve the natural resources, organisms and structures, and at the same time creates an equilibrium and natural stability in the atmospheric conditions. Several ethical values of attempts can come under practice in order to survive and reside a green life, which include plowing of plants and trees in every available properties, promote aforestation, and appall deforestation. In addition, they include safeguarding the wildlife creatures, evade all the prospects that contribute to pollution, promote recycling of products that are not eco-friendly and many more (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). Few of the natural resources of the universe have come under damage, and now the universe is only left with limited and certain amount of natural resources, which if maintained, the future generations would be able to utilize it, therefore, it has become very important to conserve the restricted natural resources that are present to the humanity. Every individual should contribute in making the world a greener place so that the young generation can have a healthy place to live and survive, and his or her future becomes bright (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). ... Every individual should contribute in making the world a greener place so that the young generation can have a healthy place to live and survive, and his or her future becomes bright (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). Benefits of Going Green Going green and adding value to the maintenance and protecting the universe leads to several benefits. Going green is one of the finest and superlative attempts that bring a great deal of help in the saving the earth that is like a mother, as the people have already contributed to a great extent in the immense and mammoth destructions through bloodshed, wars, deforestations, and several other reasons (Sleeth, pp. 345-360, 2009). Aforestation that includes cultivation of more and more trees on unused lands and soils, and discourage deforestation from which several products come under production, and preservation of the wildlife are one of the leading and pivotal solutions that augment the environment to go green. This will help the air from pollution a nd provide a more natural atmospheric climate that add more value to the green environment and would eventually benefit the entire populace of the world (Chiras, pp. 229-234, 2010). Numerous people are unacquainted and unconscious about the fact that the widespread and frequently used household products contain dangerous pesticides that may produce harm to their bodies on a constant basis. However, by going green and switching to products that are environmentally safe, it not only saves the world, but the health of the people will also have an optimistic and constructive effect and will lead to a healthier life (Sleeth, pp. 3-15, 2009). In addition, the houses are important and

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