Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Teen Drinking

Teen drinking is very prevalent in today’s society. Have you ever been to a party and someone started drinking and soon everyone there was too? Did you ever stop to think what problems go along with teen drinking. It is no joke it is a very serious problem. A lot of teens do not realize that alcohol damages them physically, emotionally, and mentally. When teens use alcohol it causes many physical problems. Alcohol can ruin your health. The more you drink the more damages is done to your body. Many teens do not realize that when you consume alcohol in large quantities and done quickly you body has no chance to assimilate the alcohol, thus resulting in alcohol poisoning, coma or even death. Likewise, prolonged and heavy abuse of alcohol can slowly kill you. It can damage or destroy vital organs, such as your liver, pancreas, brain, and heart. Developing young bodies and minds are particularly vulnerable to such damage, which is sometimes irreparable. Some teens claim that alcohol helps them to function better. Some teens are shy, and feel drinking allows them to meet new people, have fun, and come out of their shells. The problem is though that a teen matures not by running from difficult situations but by facing them. Learning to cope with problems as a youth is just a rehearsal for the trials of adulthood. In the long run shy teens or teens in general who drink find that the temporary effects of alcohol do not help them over come their shyness or to feel better. The same is true of using alcohol as a crutch in dealing with stress. If a youth feels overwhelmed and stressed out he may think that a drink of alcohol will calm him down and take away the stress or problems he or she is facing. When teens drink it slows down their mental process. Even though they may not think it does, alcohol impairs your speech and thoughts. They are unable to think clearly and make quick decisions that may cost them... Free Essays on Teen Drinking Free Essays on Teen Drinking The drinking age is fine, if anything is should get raised. It is hard to ignore the fact that this law is broken everyday. It's the 90's all teens just want to fit in. Kids are drinking at a much younger age. Now, even 10 year olds and 11 year olds are trying to fit in with us older kids. It's amazing and sometimes funny what kids will do just to fit in with the "good" crowd. Well to some of us, that's considered the druggies and drinkers. Our parents call them the "bad" crowd with good reason. I speak from experience. Now I agree with the parents out there who worry about their kids getting into the same kind of troubles as I was in at one point in my life. I'm going to cut the bull*censored* and talk about the facts. Here's what parties today look like for teens. The setting, a beach or a house with no adults around to say what's wrong. The people are a bunch of teens of both sexes. The environment is any kind of drugs and or alcohol. These consists of hard liquor like Vodka and Jack Daniel's. Then there is beer with the lighter stuff like wine, wine coolers, and fuzzy navel. Teens that drive are in big trouble and are at big risk. I'm not blaming the accidents that involve drunk in just teens. Drunk drivers are of all ages. And I'm not trying to say that all teens drink either. But the ones that do and are stupid enough to say they're sober and can drive home safe. Those are the ones that put innocent citizens at risk. The drunk teens that drive are looking at getting their license provoked. They go to jail, their car gets impounded, and of course they get a DUI. At parties where teens get drunk and have kinky sex, they can easily forget stuff like making sure the girl cums. A lot of times that's where teens get pregnant. The girls don't always know their pregnant so they continue drink. This is bad for their baby. When they have unprotected sex there's the risk of diseases. All together I think it's pretty stupid to... Free Essays on Teen Drinking Teen drinking is very prevalent in today’s society. Have you ever been to a party and someone started drinking and soon everyone there was too? Did you ever stop to think what problems go along with teen drinking. It is no joke it is a very serious problem. A lot of teens do not realize that alcohol damages them physically, emotionally, and mentally. When teens use alcohol it causes many physical problems. Alcohol can ruin your health. The more you drink the more damages is done to your body. Many teens do not realize that when you consume alcohol in large quantities and done quickly you body has no chance to assimilate the alcohol, thus resulting in alcohol poisoning, coma or even death. Likewise, prolonged and heavy abuse of alcohol can slowly kill you. It can damage or destroy vital organs, such as your liver, pancreas, brain, and heart. Developing young bodies and minds are particularly vulnerable to such damage, which is sometimes irreparable. Some teens claim that alcohol helps them to function better. Some teens are shy, and feel drinking allows them to meet new people, have fun, and come out of their shells. The problem is though that a teen matures not by running from difficult situations but by facing them. Learning to cope with problems as a youth is just a rehearsal for the trials of adulthood. In the long run shy teens or teens in general who drink find that the temporary effects of alcohol do not help them over come their shyness or to feel better. The same is true of using alcohol as a crutch in dealing with stress. If a youth feels overwhelmed and stressed out he may think that a drink of alcohol will calm him down and take away the stress or problems he or she is facing. When teens drink it slows down their mental process. Even though they may not think it does, alcohol impairs your speech and thoughts. They are unable to think clearly and make quick decisions that may cost them...

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