Friday, October 18, 2019

Togther we stand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Togther we stand - Essay Example To substantiate the hypothesis, the necessary research was made, with the assistance of some people in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With the help of monitoring devices, such as gas analyzers and detectors, the toxic fumes being emitted by the company were identified. The findings revealed that the level of poisonous chemicals being emitted is way above acceptable levels. The EPA concluded that the pollution that resulted from the operations of the gas company is indeed detrimental to the health of the residents. They have slowly polluted the air, soil and water. The results of the research were showed to the city health administrators and some doctors and they all agreed that there is a direct link between the pollutants and the health problems currently being suffered by our community members. The city health officials presented data on the rising incidences of asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses and skin diseases ever since the gas company started operat ions. Given the above scenario, this letter was decided to be written to ask for support in this fight against air pollution. To address this urgent issue, it is kindly suggest that community leaders, together with the city health administrators and government representatives from the EPA to meet with the management of the gas company and inform them of the findings regarding their emissions and how it has affected the health of our residents. It is important that data to this effect be presented to them to support the veracity of our claim. It is but proper to require the gas company to disclose the amount of toxins and chemicals that they emit. They should come out with a plan on how to reduce and manage their wastes and emissions so as not to adversely affect the health of the residents within the community where they operate. They should at the very least deliberate on ways on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Other companies have

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