Thursday, October 31, 2019

Summary of an article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Summary of an article - Essay Example This transfer mechanism is important to the researchers due to the fact that understanding transfer will help to answer several pertinent questions. The first of these relate to whether violent video games have the implied drawback of encouraging violence. Similarly, by studying transference models, the researcher can determine if flight simulation helps develop cockpit skills in pilots. In essence, the level of transference of specific skill sets that are supposedly â€Å"taught† in various video games will be helpful understanding the net positive or net negative relationships that may or may not exist. The analysis found, not surprisingly, that the same concepts of collaboration, interaction, tactile learning, exploratory interest, and individuality as they relate to the game playing experience. Whereas many individuals are prone to view the video game as a total escape mechanism, the researchers were able to convincingly prove that it is and has been used as a means to foster intra human communication via linked players or via those that interact with the process while in the room yet not playing the game themselves. Furthermore, the level of bonding and exploration that occurred while the researchers were conducting their study helped them to make a direct link between the children that were involved in the process and the traditional understanding of the word â€Å"play†. Likewise, there was not the clear break between in game and in world realities as the researchers at first expected; rather, both realities incorporated unique elements of one another to create a combined effect that could neither be turned on or turned off once the game was complete. As one might expect, the levels of meaning and interaction levels of transference that exist are therefore dependent upon the individual

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Betting Shop computer investigation Essay Example for Free

Betting Shop computer investigation Essay The task given to me for the following essay was: Assume you have been called in to investigate suspected incidences of computer crime enacted through the computer system at a local betting office. Describe how you would conduct the search and seizure operation. Also explain why you would conduct the operation in the manner you describe. Keywords: Electronic, Evidence, Investigation, Computers, Seizure, Forensic, Computing Introduction I was recently given the task of Head of Forensic Computing Investigation into Operation Gamble. Operation Gamble had been in place for over 12 weeks, in this time it had become obvious that there was every possibility that some kind of computer crimes were being committed on a everyday basis. This job entails making sure that nothing is overlooked, that everything is done in a methodical manner, everything needs logging in one way or another. There are many things to think about , and many that need acting upon, decisions often need to be made on site at the time of the search. Hopefully this essay will inform the reader of a little knowledge into the world of forensic computing investigation. Also that it will become clear that the successful prosecution of offenders means that the investigation must be done thoroughly from start to finish. ACPO state there are 4 principles that should be adhered to at all times, so when reading this must be took into consideration. The four principles are as follows:- Principle 1: No action taken by law enforcement agencies or their agents should change data held on a computer or storage media which may subsequently be relied upon in court. Principle 2: In exceptional circumstances, where a person finds it necessary to access original data held on a computer or on storage media, that person must be competent to do so and be able to give evidence explaining the relevance and the implications of their actions. Principle 3: An audit trail or other record of all processes applied to computer based electronic evidence should be created and preserved. An independent third party should be able to examine those processes and achieve the same result. Principle 4: The person in charge of the investigation (the case officer) has overall responsibility for ensuring that the law and these principles are adhered to. Ruth Suttons investigation into a local betting shop. Firstly I was called into the office and was allocated a new case, which involved investigating a betting shop that may have been involved in some kind of fraud or computer misuse. I wasnt given any information in detail. Without having much detailed information I have to prepare the investigation as though I am looking for every kind of electronic crime there is. With an open mind it makes the investigation much more through and lengthy, maybe turning up more clues to what has been occurring in this particular establishment. Also as I have been put in charge of this investigation I make sure that all staff that had been drafted in to help with this investigation had the expertise to do so, they all needed to be aware how volatile forensic data is, how easily evidence can be lost, changed, or altered and therefore inadmissible in court. If I were to be given this case and was previously made aware that it was child pornography that I was looking for this would set my mind thinking, and turning into the direction of looking for not only images but perhaps photography equipment, chat logs, email, internet usage logs. On the other hand it is a much different case for fraud. Accounting would be looked into address books, credit card data, calendars, credit card skimmers, the list just goes on and on. Having no idea could turn up more things as child porn can often be attached to a ring, perhaps in that ring credit card fraud is being used to purchase entry to child porn sights, so with my open mind and that of my colleagues I start my investigation. Within the ACPO (Association Of Chief Police Officers) guidelines there are 4 stages that are involved in gaining forensic evidence. They are: 1. Acquiring the evidence 2. Identifying the evidence 3. Evaluating any evidence found 4. Presenting the evidence. For the purposes of my investigation in fact all forensic computing investigations, the first 3 rules are paramount as they all rely upon each other being performed correctly. Although it must be said if any of the rules are not followed correctly this wouldnt even get as far as the presenting Evidence rule, as there could be no successful prosecution. Preparation Knowing this is a retail betting shop, the first decision to be made is the time that we will serve our warrant to search the premises. After not much deliberation it is decided to carry out the search before opening time, I was aware that the manager opened up every morning at 8am so meeting him as he opened up would be the best policy. The reason for this decision is that with less staff and no customers there would be less chance of anyone being able to tamper with any networks, data, or any other relevant evidence. In the past it has been known for one member of staff to distract an investigator, while another removes vital evidence. As time went on 3 other members of staff arrived for work, they were all taken aside and asked details of what there job involved, where there individual workstation was and any usernames, passwords or encryption keys that may be relevant to the case. On Entry On entry it was most important to visually identify anything that could be possible evidence. The following items were identified and noted down: 1. Computer 2. Laptop 3. Usb stick 4. Digital camera 5. Printer 6. Scanner 7. Mobile Phones 8. Cds Dvds 9. PDA All these items could be relevant in gaining evidence as they all may contain relevant data. My reasons for each item were as follows: 1. Computer This is obvious that looking for forensic data the desktop computer could hold lots of evidence. 2. Laptop Same reasons as above. 3. Usb Stick This could also contain data. 4. Digital Camera may contain images or even files of any data 5. Printer Printers have their own memory now so this could contain much needed evidence. 6. Scanner May have been used to scan fraudulent documents (if there is any damage or imperfections to the glass this could show that a particular document was created with its use. 7. Mobile Phones Mobile phones have own operating system, could contain not only contacts but also images, files, and time logs etc, lots of relevant data. 8. Cds Dvds Another item that could contain lots of data. 9. PDA This like a mobile phone has its own operating system and could be used to store relevant data, contacts, time logs etc. Before any searches in drawers or anything was moved the whole area was photographed, picturing where all the above items were exactly in relation to the shop. This is done to document the evidence in a visual manner, that can be looked at after things have been moved to unsurface perhaps more clues, for example If a computer mouse was sitting on the left hand side of the desk, perhaps the manager is right handed so it could lead to a clue that perhaps a left handed member of staff uses that desk, which the computer is sitting on. Photographs were taken of the computer screen as it was on and had the user names on it, this was also documented by text. The computer felt quite warm so this could give clues as to whether it had been left on overnight or perhaps used before we had gained entry to the premises. Photographs were also taken of all the cables at the back of the computer, so as reconstructing at a later stage would be easier, also the cables were labelled. The desktop computer was then switched off by removing the power from the computer not the wall socket. The laptop was the next item to be dealt with, it was switched off so removal of the battery was next. Next a search took place which would involve looking in drawers, cupboards etc. The items I was looking for were: 1. Any paper work that may give some clues to any passwords that may have been used 2. Memory Cards 3. Credit card Skimmers 4. Address books 5. Appointment cards/books 6. GPS SAT NAV equipment 7. CCTV footage Most of these items were found lurking in and around the vicinity of the desk where the desktop computer was located, other than the CCTV footage that was located in the DVD recorder next to the kitchen door. The DVD recorder contained a DVD- rw (DVD re- writable), which was left in place until also photographed and noted while in situ. The rest of the items were subsequently photographed and logged before anything else was done. The reasons for seizing these items were as follows: 1. Paperwork passwords, contacts etc. 2. Memory Cards Data, Images 3. Credit card skimmers Evidence in itself or even more so if there is data contained on the magnetic strip. 4. Address books Contacts 5. Appointment cards/books verify evidence of suspects whereabouts 6. GPS SAT NAV Travel logs, previous places visited 7. CCTV Evidence to say who has been in the premises, and when as the camera will have its own time logs. The manger was then asked a few questions about any passwords or encryption keys he may have been aware of, this was done to try and gain any extra information regarding passwords, encryption etc, as this could all save time when it comes to imaging and gaining access to files. All the questions and answers were noted down in a methodical manner. Seizing the evidence The decision was made by myself to take the equipment, rather than live image at the suspected crime scene, as there was no network, wireless or otherwise, I felt this was the best decision to make as the imaging could be done under labatory conditions. Also as there was quite an amount of electronic data that would need to be imaged, this would take far too long and would not be efficient to do so. Although it is seen best for the raw electronic data to be accessed least as possible due to its volatile nature, this would only have to be done the once in the lab, once imaged they actual items (pc, laptop) would not need to be handled again as the image would be an exact copy. Fingerprinting would need to be done, but this could not occur until all equipment had been imaged, as the chemicals used can be destructive The laptop was known to have Bluetooth capability, and wifi so this had to be put into a shielded box, so as that it could not receive any signals from anywhere else. The mobile phone and PDA were treated in the same manner. The boxes were tagged and everything noted so as to start the chain of evidence for these items. All that had to be done now was to actually bag up all the evidence. This has to be done and sealed in anti static bags, and all written down in a methodical manner. This was done item by item individually as each item was tagged and bagged it had to be logged in a chain of evidence. This took quite a long time but this job cannot be rushed, as anything missed could be fatal to a prosecution. Next was the issue of transportation, this would need to be done strategically so as not to damage any possible data evidence. These would have to be kept away from any magnetic fields, e. g. speakers, radios etc, so they were removed with a van that had storage boxes within so as the seized equipment would not get too warm, cold, or anything else happen to them. Evaluating the Evidence This is where the real investigation continues, and where more light may be shed on the situation concerning electronic data found. Encase was used to image the hard drive of the desktop computer and laptop, and various other software was used for the acquisition of the other electronic items. Once imaged work would begin on searching labouredly through the data. To finish this investigation could take quite a few man-hours, as there is so much data to work through. Now is when this case is turned over to the other specialists that I work alongside. Conclusion Alas my work has ended now in this case as I have finished my job of searching the crime scene and seizing the evidence, after a full week of preparation before the actual search, I am quite pleased with the result. I am no clearer about any crimes that were or may have been committed, but hopefully due to myself carrying out the investigation thoroughly I have led the way for a successful prosecution to go ahead. References :- National hi-tech crime unit (2008) The ACPO Good Practice Guide for Computer-Based Electronic Evidence www. acpo. police. uk/asp/policies/Data/gpg_computer_based_evidence_v3. pdf [accessed 05/05/2008]. Computer Crime: ACPO Guidelines (2008) http://www. dataclinic. co. uk/computer-ACPO. htm [accessed 07/05/08].

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effect of Demographics on the Choice of Investments

Effect of Demographics on the Choice of Investments It has been observed that over the last decade the Income of the third world countries such as India, China and Indonesia has grown at a high pace. As the wealth of the people increases they will have confidence in the markets and start investing in financial products. This research paper deals with the investment decisions of all individuals across different income groups, age, gender etc. and tries to identify the affect of demographic factors on the decision making investors The study aims to find out if the demographic factors of an individual namely his age, income, gender, savings, source of income and investment experience have any effect on the patterns of investment and hence affect his risk taking ability. Advanced quantitative techniques have been used to investigate the data and judgment has been given on the basis of statistical output. The results would help the managers in the Wealth Management process in advising their clients better regarding investments that are most suitable according to their demographics and personality type. The study provides evidence that the investment choice depends on and is affected by the demographic variables. Introduction India, China and Brazil showed the highest growth in the number of HNIs in the year 2007 (The world wealth report 2008). The growth in the exposure that these markets have still remains untapped as they have only 3 percent exposure to equities. As the wealth of the people increases they will have confidence in the markets and start investing in financial products. In the 1970s and early 1980s, researchers found enough evidences that the markets are efficient and investment decisions are taken rationally. However, over a period of time there have been major challenges to the rationality assumption. Such challenges, coming from behavioral finance, continue to advance the argument that the traditional finance theorys predictive power is no match to what investors observe and experience in the markets, in reality. Behavioral finance is a new emerging science that exploits the irrational behavior of the investors. According to the behavioral economists, individuals do not function perfectly as the classical school opines. Weber (1999) makes the observation, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Behavioral finance closely combines individual behavior and market phenomena and uses the knowledge taken from both psychological field and financial theoryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The key result of a behavioral finance-enhanced relationship will be a portfolio to which the advisor can comf ortably adhere while fulfilling the clients long-term goals. This result has obvious advantages which suggests that behavioral finance will continue to play an increasing role in Wealth Management The study aims to find out if the demographic factors of an individual namely his age, income, gender, savings, source of income and investment experience have any effect on the patterns of investment and hence affect his risk taking ability. Quantitative techniques shall be used to investigate the data and the decision will be given on the basis of the analysis. The results would help the people involved in the Wealth Management process in advising their clients better regarding investments that are most suitable according to their demographics and personality type. Objective The objective of this paper is to investigate how the investment choice is affected by the demographics of the investors, once we study the choice effecting variables, we will use past data and monitor what have been the returns achieved from such proportion of investments and we shall determine the ideal portfolio and mix in the portfolio. Such knowledge will be highly useful for financial advisors as it will help them to advise their clients regarding investments that are appropriate with respect to their demographic profiles. Literature review A number of studies have been conducted to study how risk tolerance varies with the individual demographics, such as, gender, age, education, income, etc. Most of these studies have, however, concentrated on exploring the gender differences in investment choice. Harlow and Keith (1990) found that women prefer low risk bets when asked to make choices in an experimental market environment, involving auctions and lotteries (Olsen and Cox, 2001). Experimental evidence suggests that women may be more risk averse towards gamble (Hershey and Schoemaker, 1980). Large-scale one-on-one attitude surveys by the Investment Company Institute and SRI International in the year 1996 and 1997 respectively, also revealed that women tend to prefer lower risk assets than men. (Olsen and Cox, 2001). Women hold less risky assets than men (Jianakoplos and Bernasek, 1998) and they also choose less risky alternatives (Powll and Ansic, 1997). Women exhibited less risk-taking behavior than men in their most recent, largest and riskiest mutual fund investment decisions (Dwyer et al., 2002). Women are more risk averse than men in gambles, investment frames with possibility of loss and gamble frame with no losses (Eckel and Grossman, 2003). Brynes and Miller (1999) have studied and investigated the relationship between risk and gender and concluded that women tend to take less risk than men (Olsen and Cox, 2001). Women are less likely to invest in riskier but high return assets than men (Mc Donald, 1997). However, the empirical investigation of gender difference in risk taking is inconclusive (Charness and Gneezy, 2004). While most research conducted prior to 1980 concluded that gender difference clearly exists, more recent research studies yield mixed results (Changanti and Parasuraman, 1996; and Powell and Ansic, 1997). Males and females are equally successful in taking decisions under conditions of risk (Hudgen and Fatkin, 1985). They are equally effective in the leadership role (Eagly et al., 1995) and are equally capable of processing and reacting to information (Stinerock et al., 1991). As businessmen/women, many studies have found similar level of performance for women-owned business as those which are owned by men (Kalleberg and Leicht, 1991; and Fischer et al., 1993). In an abstract lottery choice, Schubert et al. (2000) framed choices as either potential gain, or potential loss. They found that women are more risk averse than men in domain of gain, while men are more risk averse than women in the frame of loss domain. Women fund mangersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ both domestic and internationalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ hold portfolios which are marginally riskier than those of men, and their returns also outperform those of men (Bliss and Potter, 2001). Women were found to be less risk averse than men when the gambles were framed as insurance (Duda et al., 2004). Although, the impact of gender on risk taking is significantly weakened when investor knowledge of financial markets and investments is controlled in the regression equation, the greater level of risk aversion among wome n, which is frequently documented in the literature, cannot be completely, explained by knowledge disparities (Dwyer et al., 2002). In the Indian context, Gupta ( has indicated that from the angle of investor protection, the regulation of the new issue market is important for several reasons. The number of small investors in new issue market is massive. Most of new investors make their first entry into equity investments via the new issue market. So retaining common investor confidence in primary markets is important. Madhusoodan ( has indicated that in the Indian stock market, higher risk is not priced, hence investment in higher risk instruments is of no use. Kakati ( has indicated that Indian IPOs are under priced in the short run and overpriced in the long run. Selling after allotment, around the listing month, is the cause of major return differences between IPOs performance in the short run and long run. Gokaran has studied the financing patterns of the corporate growth in the country. The study indicated that equity markets suffer serious inadequacies as a mechanism for raising capital. Murali ( has indicated that new issues market (NIM) focuses on decreasing information asymmetry, easy accessibility of capital by large sections of medium and small enterprises, national level participation in promoting efficient investments, and increasing a culture of investments in productive sector. In order that these goals are achieved, a substantial level of improvement in the regulatory standards in India at the voluntary and enforcement levels is warranted. The most crucial steps to achieve these goals would be to develop measures to strengthen the new issues market. To effectively and efficiently serve clients in todays competitive industry, financial planners increasingly rely on information technology. The larger the financial planning firm, the more critical the use of information technology becomes as its applications extend to areas outside financial planning such as payroll, accounting, marketing, and operations. This article proposes the establishment of a new research discipline, financial planning informatics, which focuses on the development of technology tools to support the unique needs of financial planners. We live in the information age. Information is the result of processing, manipulating, and organizing data in a way that creates new knowledge (Rahman 2006). A number of studies have been conducted to study how risk tolerance varies with the individual demographics, such as, gender, age, education, income, etc (Schooley Worden, 1996; Shaw, 1996; Xiao Noring, 1994; Watson and Naughton, 2007). Most of these studies have, however, concentrated on exploring the gender differences in investment choice. The impact of other demographic factors, such as, age, education, income, occupation and dependents on investment choice has not been investigated by many researchers. But whatever studies have been done suggest that they (other demographic factors) affect individuals investment decisions. Risk tolerance, a persons attitude towards accepting risk, is an important concept which has implications for both financial service providers and consumers. For the latter, risk tolerance is one factor which may determine the appropriate composition of assets in a portfolio which is optimal in terms of risk and return relative to the needs of the individual (Droms, 1987). In fact, the well-documented home country bias of investors may be a manifestation of risk aversion on the part of investors (see Cooper, and Kaplanis, 1994 and Simons, 1999). For fund managers, Jacobs and Levy (1996) argue that the inability to effectively determine investor risk tolerance may lead to homogeneity among investment funds. Further, Schirripa and Tecotzky (2000) argue that the standard Markowitz portfolio optimization process can be optimised by pooling groups of investors together with different attitudes to risk into a single efficient portfolio that maintains the groups average risk tolerance. Although a number of factors have been proposed and tested, a brief survey of the results reveals a distinct lack of consensus. First, it is generally thought that risk tolerance decreases with age (see Wallach and Kogan 1961; McInish 1982; Morin and Suarez 1983; and Palsson 1996) although this relationship may not necessarily be linear (see Riley and Chow 1992; Bajtelsmit and VanDerhai 1997). Intuitively this result can be explained by the fact that younger investors have a greater (expected) number of years to recover from the losses that may be incurred with risky investments. Interestingly, there is some suggestion that biological changes in enzymes due to the aging process may be responsible (see Harlow and Brown, 1990). More recent research however, reveals evidence of a positive relationship or fails to detect any impact of age on risk tolerance (see Wang and Hanna 1997; Grable and Joo 1997; Grable and Lytton 1998, Hanna, Gutter and Fan, 1998; Grable 2000, Hariharan, Chapman a nd Domian, 2000; and Gollier and Zeckhauser, 2002). A second demographic which is frequently argued to determine risk tolerance is gender and Bajtelsmit and Bernasek (1996), Palsson (1996), Jianakoplos and Bernasek (1998), Bajtelsmit, Bernasek and Jianakoplos (1999), Powell and Ansic (1997), and Grable (2000) find support for the notion that females have a lower preference for risk than males. Grable and Joo (1999) and Hanna, Gutter and Fan (1998) however, find that gender is not significant in predicting financial risk tolerance. Education is a third factor which is thought to increase a persons capacity to evaluate risks inherent to the investment process and therefore endow them with a higher financial risk tolerance (see Baker and Haslem, 1974; Haliassos and Bertaut, 1995; Sung and Hanna, 1996). Shaw (1996) derives a model which suggests an element of circularity in this argument however, as the relative risk aversion of an individual is shown to determine the rate of human capital acquisition. Income and wealth are two related factors which are hypothesised to exert a positive relationship on the preferred level of risk (see Friedman 1974; Cohn, Lewellen, Lease and Schlarbaum 1975; Blume 1978; Riley and Chow 1992; Grable and Lytton 1999; Schooley and Worden 1996; Shaw 1996; and Bernheim et al, 2001). For the latter, however, the issue is not clear cut. On the one hand, wealthy individuals can more easily afford to incur the losses resulting from a risky investment and their accumulated wealth may even be a reflection of their preferred level of risk. Alternatively, wealthy people may be more conservative with their money while people with low levels of personal wealth may view risky investments as a form of lottery ticket and be more willing to bear the risk associated with such payoffs. This argument is analogous to Bowmans (1982) proposition that troubled firms prefer and seek risk. Investigation of the investment decisions made by married individuals presents a unique challenge to researchers as the investment portfolio of the couple may reflect the combined risk preferences of the couple (Bernasek and Shwiff, 2001). The available evidence suggests that single investors are more risk tolerant (Roszkowski, Snelbecker and Leimberg, 1993) although some research has failed to identify any significant relationship (McInish, 1982; Masters, 1989; and Haliassos and Bertaut, 1995). Methodology The study employs primary data collected by communicating with the respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire. Before undertaking the survey, a pilot test of the questionnaire was done with 40 respondents. Their views were incorporated in the final questionnaire and desired results were obtained. The study is based on responses obtained from the respondents belonging to a wide cross section. The total sample consisted of about 150 people, Males/Females from Salaried/ Self Employed, were split from different Age groups of Less than 35, 35-45, 45 and above. Investment Experience (Measured in the No of years) and the savings of Individuals post investment was also observed. The study employed non-probabilistic sampling method to select the respondents. The sampling method used can best be described as a mix of judgmental and convenient sampling. The questionnaire (Annexure) consists of a risk profiling exercise combined with the demographic characteristics required about the investor. Later a combination of cluster analysis along with a couple of other tests like LOGIT, PROBIT Etc will be used. DATA ANALYSIS The risk taking ability of the respondents was found by looking at the patterns and similarities that could be found and understood in the data. Techniques of Regression and Logit tests are used. Then the demographic characteristics of the people to their risk taking ability and any similar patterns are also identified. From the final questionnaire we got to know the risk profile, demographic profile, choice of investments, other habits and observations etc. Later any patterns and similarities were looked at in the data. The analysis was done using Logit tests identifying probabilities, Multi logistic regression, Man- Whitney U test and chi square. The following hypotheses were formulated to study whether the choice of Investment depends upon variables, such as, gender, age, income, educational qualification and occupation. The hypotheses are stated as follows: Ho.1: There is no significant difference between the males and females in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.2: There is no significant difference among the investors belonging to different age groups in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.3: There is no significant difference between the investors of different occupations in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.4: There is no significant difference between the investors having different investment experience in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.5: There is no significant difference between the investors having different savings post investment in their choice of investment avenues. Logit Regression Using the data, we have calculated if the respondent is a risk taking or a risk averse investor. His risk taking behavior is taken as a Dependent variable. The various independent variables include Age, Gender, No of dependents, Income; savings post investments, investment experience etc. The model studies the change in the dependent variable due to change in all these independent variables. We use ungrouped method of Logit regression as we observe that these variables are independent and are not very much correlated with each other; hence they show lesser chance of hetroscedasticity with each other. Wald statistic (test) was used to test the significance of individual logistic regression coefficients for each independent variables ( that is to test the null hypothesis in logistic regression that a particular logit coefficient is zero). It is the ratio of the unstandardised logit coefficient to its standard error. The Wald statistic and its corresponding p probability level is part of the SPSS output. The independents may be dropped from the equations when their effect is not significant by the Wald statistic. We observe that the regression equation is significant at 10% with Wald value of 2.959. It was observed that among the independent variables the Age, gender and Investment experience are considered to be significant with a Wald value of 18.571, 3.47, 3.457 respectively they are also significant as they fall in significance level of 10%. However No of dependents, the Income and savings post investment are not significant enough and they are not at a significant level too with more than 10% significance level. It is observed that the number of dependents or siblings of a person does not define his risk taking ability and capacity, same is the reason for the person being salaried or being self employed for his living. There is no pattern observed for the level of savings that person has after his investment habits. Hence it can be said that the risk taking capacity can be mainly judged by his Age, Gender and Investment experience. The logit can be converted easily into an odds ratio simply by using an exponential function. The original odds are multiplied by e to the bth power, where b is the logistic regression coefficient, when the given independent increases by one unit. The ratio of odds ratio of the independent is the ratio of the relative importance of the independent variables on the dependent variables. The value of ratio for income 1.083 . Hence a unit change in income affects the change in risk taking ability by 1.083 Further in the regression equation the variable Age is highly significant with the score of 21.443 in the equation, so is gender and investment experience. The equation has a overall statistics of 28.953 with a appropriate significance level. R Square in logistic regression R2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" measures attempts to measure strength of association. For small examples, for instance, an R2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" like measure might be high when the goodness of fit was unacceptable by model chi- square or some other test. Cox and Snell R square is used to in the interpretation of multiple R square based on the likelihood, but the value lesser than1 is, the better. Here the value is 0.230. Nagelkerkes R2 divides Cox and Snells R2 by its maximum in order to achieve a measure that ranges from 0 to 1. Therefore Nagelkerkes R2 which is here 0.310 will normally be higher than the Cox and Snell measure but will tend to run lower than the corresponding OLS R2 which is 133.048. Nagelkerkes R2 is the most-reported of the R-squared estimates. Conclusion The insight of how an investment choice gets affected by the demographic variables helps the financial advisors to advise their clients better. The clients, on the other hand, on being advised regarding the investments that suit their profile, will not only rate such an advice higher but will also appreciate it. This study thus, will certainly improve the mutual trust between the advisor and his client. Similar studies with diverse samples will help in understanding the investment psychology better. From the research we observe that the risk taking ability can be mainly judged by his Age, Gender and Investment experience. That is if the person falls in a specific age category, the financial planner cab be readily prepared for the desires level of risky portfolio to be offered to the client. It has been noticed from the data that mostly people with high age are risk adverse on the contrary young people like to take very high risks and invest in aggressive stocks and speculative instruments. Men have been observed to be more risk taking and aggressive than most females. And people who have experience of trading in the financial markets also determine the level of risk they like to take. It is observed that the no of dependents or siblings that a person does not define his risk taking ability and capacity initially we thought that people who have more no of siblings would like to take less risk however same has not been observed in this case, same is the case for the person being salaried or being self employed for his living. Similarly no pattern has been observed for the level of savings that person has after his investment habits and the level of risk that he like to take.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thinking and Enquiry Skills in Global Education Essay -- Global Educat

To examine and explore what is global citizenship? This essay will look at the importance of becoming a global citizenship, the role we, as educators play in this development and how the curriculum frameworks and associated learning emphases for global education assist in the development of a global citizen. What is global education? â€Å"Global citizenship would seem a recent concept, but its origin can be traced back to at least 4th century Greece when Diogenes declared himself a cosmopolitan – a citizen of the world† (Hower, 2010, p.1). The idea of global citizenship, then, emerged even before there was a clear understanding of just what the globe entailed or who populated it, Hower, 2010, although different people and cultures were unknown to anyone. Oxfam (1997) believes that global citizenship goes beyond knowing that as citizens of the world there is a need to acknowledge our responsibilities towards each other and the earth. It is about the need to solve inequality and to work actively in achieving these needs. It can be just a matter of looking after the earth for our future generations and to have a belief that as individuals or as a nation can make a difference. â€Å"Twenty-first century Australians are members of a global community, connected to the whole wor ld by ties of culture, economics and politics, enhanced communication and travel and a shared environment† (Curriculum Corporation, 2008, p.2). The importance of becoming a global citizen is paramount for us as humans as there is a need to develop a sense of identity and self esteem Oxfam 1997. In addition being a global citizen gives us an awareness of what it means to be a member of a community and how this can influence responses to global issues. Hower (2010) p... ...ademics/.../Making_of_a_Global_Citizen.pdf Curriculum Corporation, (2008). Global Perspectives: A framework for global education in Australian schools. Carlton South, Vic. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (2009). Education for Global and Multicultural Citizenship. A strategy for Victorian Government Schools, 2009-2013. Retrieved December 26th, 2010 from: Opotow, S., Gerson, J., & Woodside, S. (2005). From Moral Exclusion to Moral Inclusion: Theory for Teaching Peace. Retrieved December 31st, from: Victorian Essential Learning Standards, (2005). Civics and Citizenship – Level 1. Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Retrieved January 1st, from:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Education Essay

Education is an important part of growth of the individual. Education can mean a lot of things. One of the definitions of education is the experience of the individual learning and gaining knowledge while inside the structured educational system. Today, one of the strongest beliefs when it comes to education is that learning starts during the early childhood years of the individual. Because of that, education philosophies have strongly revolved around this particular idea. This in turn has created many different perspectives and ideas in learning and education. The three important aspects of this philosophy on education are hinged on the consideration of children, teaching and learning. Generally, the philosophy is about the belief that children should be exposed to learning with focus on two different areas as soon as they are in the age fit for school-based learning. This usually ranges from five to seven years old onwards, depending on the mental, emotional and psychological disposition of the individual. This philosophy of education puts important consideration to the differences among individual children. This means younger children already fit for structured learning is not discouraged from starting even at a younger age. Those who are not yet fully ready are not discouraged either but will be the target of additional stimulation to be at par with the capabilities of those who are in the same age bracket as the child is. This philosophy in education is inspired by the Montessori Method. The belief of this method is that the children all possess natural inner guides inside them. The structured academic learning experience only acts as a means to provide for material and additional assistance to the children as they learn by themselves through their instincts, something that the creator of the Montessori approach recognized through observation. â€Å"Montessori developed a new philosophy of education based upon the intuitive observation of children (Lillard, 1988, p. 29). † In using the Montessori approach to creating the philosophy of education, the approach and perspective towards learning is strongly influenced by the ideals of Montessori approach. Examples are the treatment in learning, its ideas about children and the role of school and education, etc. , using the Montessori results in the consideration and inclusion of the learning theories that this particular approach entails. In this paradigm of teaching style and educational philosophy, the teacher takes the role of the mature overseer. In realization of the ability of the children to naturally learn via their experiences in the environment, the teacher makes sure that children are placed in an environment free from obstacles that could hamper, hinder, impair or impact negatively their learning experience. This approach is more focused on preparing the environment wherein the children are, for most of the time, left to their own devices to learn via experiential processes, and, when necessary providing the necessary and sufficient intervention. The philosophy of education is focused on the belief that what the children need to learn (in communication, in mathematics, in logic development, in interpersonal skills, and in other academic and non-academic components of child education) can be found in the child’s experiential learning in a controlled environment where the learning experience has the potential to reach its optimum growth and development. The philosophy of education in this particular condition puts importance in the instincts of the child, in the effort to encourage the children to develop their instincts and to not put a stupor on such natural capacity which is crucial and important for long term learning. Perspective on Children This philosophy of education sees children as individuals who are created with the natural ability for learning. However, because of their lack of experience as well as necessary knowledge to make themselves fully capable and full developed individuals, they need to undergo educational experience beginning at their young years. Children is viewed not as individuals who need to be spoon-fed with things that can improve their own knowledge and skill set. Rather, they are individuals who need to be guided especially in their learning stages so that they can develop as capable, competent, learned and mature individuals in the future. Children are not viewed as entities that are commanded to follow. Rather, they are individuals whose own self compass is sufficient for them to move in the direction they need and want to since they are created with the natural tendencies for learning and knowledge development. They are not robots with minds that are like computers programs that can be tweaked, altered and changed depending on the perspective and disposition of the educational institution. On the other hand, the main responsibility of the school and its teachers is to make sure that each of the autonomous and independent minds be able to grow and develop towards each individual’s own complex and unique entity. Children are individuals who are sufficiently equipped, physiologically, but nonetheless requires intervention if only for the sake of maximizing, harnessing and developing the potential that each child has. Perspective in Teaching The teacher or teaching component of this philosophy of education is about the role of teachers and the teaching process as a tool. It guides and provides necessary intervention sufficient enough to guide the children into learning and knowledge building but not excessive enough to dictate the educational experience and the learning process of the child. This is considering the fact that the child is depended upon to use his/her natural instincts for learning. Perspective in Learning The learning perspective of this philosophy in education revolves around the central idea that learning is something that is natural to an individual, something that he or she experiences even when the individual is at his or her very young age. In this philosophy of education, learning is something that should be experienced by the child by allowing the child to interact with his or her environment, the creation and set up of which is a result of the conscious effort of the teacher and the school. Learning is something that comes naturally. Learning results to knowledge and information set in an individual to which the school and the teacher has a strong influence on, especially in guaranteeing the absorption of information that the child needs to know during the learning process. Reference Lillard, P. P. (1988). Montessori: A Modern Approach. New York: Schocken Books.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Monarch Migration

Monarch Migration The phenomenon of monarch migration in North America is well known, and quite extraordinary in the insect world. There are no other insects in the world that migrate twice each year for close to 3,000 miles. Monarchs living east of the Rocky Mountains in North America fly south each fall, gathering in central Mexicos Oyamel fir forest for the winter. Millions of monarchs gather in the this forest area, covering the trees so densely that branches break from their weight. Scientists aren’t sure how the butterflies navigate to a place they have never been. No other population of monarchs migrates this far. The Migrant Generation: The monarch butterflies that emerge from chrysalides in late summer and early fall differ from the previous generations. These migrant butterflies appear the same but behave quite differently. They will not mate or lay eggs. They feed on nectar, and cluster together during the cool evenings to stay warm. Their only purpose is to prepare for and make the flight south successfully. You can see a monarch emerge from its chrysalis in the photo gallery. Environmental factors trigger the migration. Fewer hours of daylight, cooler temperatures, and diminishing food supplies tell the monarchs it is time to move south. In March, the same butterflies that made the journey south will begin the return trip. The migrants fly to the southern U.S., where they mate and lay eggs. Their descendants will continue the migration north. In the northernmost part of the monarchs range, it may be the great grandchildren of the migrants that finish the trip. How Scientists Study Monarch Migration: In 1937, Frederick Urquhart was the first scientist to tag monarch butterflies in a quest to learn about their migration. In the 1950’s, he recruited a handful of volunteers to help in the tagging and monitoring efforts. Monarch tagging and research is now conducted by several universities with the help of thousands of volunteers, including school children and their teachers. The tags used today are small adhesive stickers, each printed with a unique ID number and contact information for the research project. A tag is placed on the butterfly’s hindwing, and does not impede flight. A person who finds a tagged monarch can report the date and location of the sighting to the researcher. The data collected from each season’s tags provides scientists with information about the migration path and timing. In 1975, Frederick Urquhart is also credited with finding the monarch’s wintering grounds in Mexico, which were unknown until that time. The site was actually discovered by Ken Brugger, a naturalist volunteering to help with the research. Read more about Urquhart and his lifelong study of monarchs. Energy-Saving Strategies: Remarkably, scientists discovered that migrating butterflies actually gain weight during their long journey. They store fat in their abdomens, and use air currents to glide as much as possible. These energy-saving strategies, together with feeding on nectar throughout the trip, help the migrants survive the arduous travel. The Day of the Dead: The monarchs arrive at their Mexico wintering grounds en masse in the final days of October. Their arrival coincides with el Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, a Mexican traditional holiday that honors the deceased. The indigenous people of Mexico believe the butterflies are the returning souls of children and warriors. Sources: Monarch WatchLongest Regularly Repeated Migration, University of Florida

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Teen Drinking

Teen drinking is very prevalent in today’s society. Have you ever been to a party and someone started drinking and soon everyone there was too? Did you ever stop to think what problems go along with teen drinking. It is no joke it is a very serious problem. A lot of teens do not realize that alcohol damages them physically, emotionally, and mentally. When teens use alcohol it causes many physical problems. Alcohol can ruin your health. The more you drink the more damages is done to your body. Many teens do not realize that when you consume alcohol in large quantities and done quickly you body has no chance to assimilate the alcohol, thus resulting in alcohol poisoning, coma or even death. Likewise, prolonged and heavy abuse of alcohol can slowly kill you. It can damage or destroy vital organs, such as your liver, pancreas, brain, and heart. Developing young bodies and minds are particularly vulnerable to such damage, which is sometimes irreparable. Some teens claim that alcohol helps them to function better. Some teens are shy, and feel drinking allows them to meet new people, have fun, and come out of their shells. The problem is though that a teen matures not by running from difficult situations but by facing them. Learning to cope with problems as a youth is just a rehearsal for the trials of adulthood. In the long run shy teens or teens in general who drink find that the temporary effects of alcohol do not help them over come their shyness or to feel better. The same is true of using alcohol as a crutch in dealing with stress. If a youth feels overwhelmed and stressed out he may think that a drink of alcohol will calm him down and take away the stress or problems he or she is facing. When teens drink it slows down their mental process. Even though they may not think it does, alcohol impairs your speech and thoughts. They are unable to think clearly and make quick decisions that may cost them... Free Essays on Teen Drinking Free Essays on Teen Drinking The drinking age is fine, if anything is should get raised. It is hard to ignore the fact that this law is broken everyday. It's the 90's all teens just want to fit in. Kids are drinking at a much younger age. Now, even 10 year olds and 11 year olds are trying to fit in with us older kids. It's amazing and sometimes funny what kids will do just to fit in with the "good" crowd. Well to some of us, that's considered the druggies and drinkers. Our parents call them the "bad" crowd with good reason. I speak from experience. Now I agree with the parents out there who worry about their kids getting into the same kind of troubles as I was in at one point in my life. I'm going to cut the bull*censored* and talk about the facts. Here's what parties today look like for teens. The setting, a beach or a house with no adults around to say what's wrong. The people are a bunch of teens of both sexes. The environment is any kind of drugs and or alcohol. These consists of hard liquor like Vodka and Jack Daniel's. Then there is beer with the lighter stuff like wine, wine coolers, and fuzzy navel. Teens that drive are in big trouble and are at big risk. I'm not blaming the accidents that involve drunk in just teens. Drunk drivers are of all ages. And I'm not trying to say that all teens drink either. But the ones that do and are stupid enough to say they're sober and can drive home safe. Those are the ones that put innocent citizens at risk. The drunk teens that drive are looking at getting their license provoked. They go to jail, their car gets impounded, and of course they get a DUI. At parties where teens get drunk and have kinky sex, they can easily forget stuff like making sure the girl cums. A lot of times that's where teens get pregnant. The girls don't always know their pregnant so they continue drink. This is bad for their baby. When they have unprotected sex there's the risk of diseases. All together I think it's pretty stupid to... Free Essays on Teen Drinking Teen drinking is very prevalent in today’s society. Have you ever been to a party and someone started drinking and soon everyone there was too? Did you ever stop to think what problems go along with teen drinking. It is no joke it is a very serious problem. A lot of teens do not realize that alcohol damages them physically, emotionally, and mentally. When teens use alcohol it causes many physical problems. Alcohol can ruin your health. The more you drink the more damages is done to your body. Many teens do not realize that when you consume alcohol in large quantities and done quickly you body has no chance to assimilate the alcohol, thus resulting in alcohol poisoning, coma or even death. Likewise, prolonged and heavy abuse of alcohol can slowly kill you. It can damage or destroy vital organs, such as your liver, pancreas, brain, and heart. Developing young bodies and minds are particularly vulnerable to such damage, which is sometimes irreparable. Some teens claim that alcohol helps them to function better. Some teens are shy, and feel drinking allows them to meet new people, have fun, and come out of their shells. The problem is though that a teen matures not by running from difficult situations but by facing them. Learning to cope with problems as a youth is just a rehearsal for the trials of adulthood. In the long run shy teens or teens in general who drink find that the temporary effects of alcohol do not help them over come their shyness or to feel better. The same is true of using alcohol as a crutch in dealing with stress. If a youth feels overwhelmed and stressed out he may think that a drink of alcohol will calm him down and take away the stress or problems he or she is facing. When teens drink it slows down their mental process. Even though they may not think it does, alcohol impairs your speech and thoughts. They are unable to think clearly and make quick decisions that may cost them...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Intrusion Detection System Essays

Intrusion Detection System Essays Intrusion Detection System Essay Intrusion Detection System Essay Abstraction Modern universe provide the latest system of cyberspace which is challenging for the security of information systems. The defence of information is going the portion and package for internet twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Current Intrusion Detection systems can non do certain to observe onslaughts in existent clip environment as it has deficient ability to make that. To get by with latest invasions onslaught, database should be rationalized clip to clip. Systems autumn knee bend to acknowledge fresh onslaughts due to miss of sphere acquaintance. If there is any deficiency of sphere acquaintance, Intrusion Detection system can fall knee bend to acknowledge new onslaught. In Wireless and AD HOC webs, Information security revolves into imperative function. Possibility of exposure to assail rises as for their flexible nature. A few invasion sensing strategies suggested for where wired webs are non sufficient for Wireless and AD HOC webs. In AD HOC webs, it is important for such angle that is adept to intellect any assortment of bizarre actions. In fact, it is out of ability of engineering to restrain each individual dispute. In this thesis I am traveling to pattern a IDS utilizing clip series techniques for radio AD HOC web by which it can observe interlopers. Time series is a technique by which we can observe invasion. To organize the rapid alteration of clip series informations, the technique applies the Auto-Regressive ( AR ) method, and achieves in order hypothesis trial to observe the invasion. By agencies of clip and location correlativity, the systems and manners verify the being of anomalous disturbance, every bit good as its occurring clip and location. It is proved and demonstrates that the experimental results perform better with the recommended method in observing the invasion. Recognitions Introduction Security is the major issue for the radio and Mobile AD HOC web because it is utilizing â€Å"AIR† as media.Research undertaking reference this portion as Intrusion Detection. Mounting universe can non conceive of even for a individual twenty-four hours without computing machine and computing machine is footing on cyberspace. Nowadays unafraid information of cyberspace is going really high precedence. Modern universe emphases in a manner by which it can be protect the information and information from any illicit and unauthorised entree. Intrusion Detection Systems ( IDS ) can be differs in assorted techniques and progress with the aim to observe leery traffic in dissimilar ways. There are two important classs of invasion sensing systems. One is called network-based invasion sensing system ( NIDS ) and the other one is host-based invasion system ( HIDS ) . The bing system that detects onslaughts based on looking for specific signature of identified menaces. It reveals peculiarly that we may hold two sets of informations ; one is of usual and common informations and other one apprehensive and leery informations. So intrusion sensing systems match the information with the set of normal and leery informations and if the respect between the two set is above a threshold value so invasion is detected. Presently, if Internet substructure assault such as adult male in the in-between onslaught, denial of service onslaughts and worms infection, have become one of the most serious menaces to the web security [ 1 ] . It is really likely executable to observe the onslaughts and unnatural behaviours if there is sufficient and efficient method and technique exists for proctor and examine, and it can non merely do certain continue warning of possible onslaughts, but besides assist out to acknowledge the grounds, beginning and locations of the anomalousnesss. By this manner, it may help to keep the onslaughts, sooner than they have adequate clip to air across the web. This papers represents the method, in support of observing web anomalousnesss by analysing the unexpected alteration of clip series informations.With the comparing of other anomaly sensing methods. We have focal point on the vivacious behaviour of the web instead than utilizing the inactive theoretical accounts. Our procedure a nd method concerns the Auto-Regressive ( AR ) procedure to pattern the rapid and unexpected alteration of clip series informations, and performs consecutive hypothesis trial in contrast with two bordering non-overlapping Windowss of the clip series to observe the anomalousnesss Aim and Aims Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to plan and implement a IDS for radio web to observe and supervising malicious activities by utilizing clip series analysis techniques. Aims: ? Review current invasion sensing system? Analyze the information with leery activities? Design appropriate system architecture for IDS? Implement the system utilizing clip series analysis? Testing and measure the system.? Future work Academic Background Intrusion sensing system In general, an Intrusion Detection System is non an antivirus plan to observe virus or non a web logging system for observing complete exposure or non a exposure tools which can look into coach, defects and web services.Intrusion Detection System ( IDS ) is a package or hardware by which we can observe hackers, male ware and bots. There are few types of Intrusion sensing system like Network Intrusion Detection System, Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System, Application protocol-based Intrusion Detection System and Host-based Intrusion Detection System etc. Now a twenty-four hours, radio web is increasing dramatically. We are seeking to do everything which can link to internet without wire. Compare to wired web, it is easy to capture the channel of radio web for an interlopers.Why We Need Intrusion Detection System Why we need Idahos An overview of current invasion sensing system Wireless webs are highly vulnerable to adult male in the in-between onslaught, DOS and other onslaughts because they depend on a shared communicating medium every bit good as depend on limited resources. Wireless ad hoc webs do non hold a cardinal control as radio LANs and they besides provide a dynamic topology. This increases the complexness of the invasion sensing strategies in ad hoc webs. Network Anomaly Detection Using Time Series Analysis Harmonizing to Qingtao Wu and Zhiqing Shao s research paper, This research paper explain to observe web invasion utilizing clip series analysis. Anomaly and consecutive sensing with clip series informations Intrusion Detection Alert Flow Processing Using Time Series Analysis Methods Processing invasion sensing qui vive aggregates with clip series patterning Compare Wired and Wireless Intrusion Detection System ( Dragan Pleskonjic ) In wired web, Intruder should be attached physically. Intruder needs a direct connectivity into the web.It is possible to follow the interloper In radio web, Intruder does non necessitate any physical connexion. So Intruder can remain everyplace.There are no difference between internal and external web so it is hard to stipulate the onslaught whether it is insider or foreigner.The boundary line of Defense of radio webs is weak comparison to wired web. Restriction of current invasion sensing system Related Work Security exposures in Wireless Network Intrusion Detection System for Wireless AD HOC Network Features of IDS The proposed Model System Design System Architecture Reasoning Remarks Summery of Contribution Restriction and future work Mention A ¬ Amitabh Mishra, Ketan Nadkarni and Animesh patcha, Intrusion Detection in Wireless AD HOC webs, February 2004, Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // Ajmal a a, Intrusion Detection System, Cochin University of Science and Technology, September 2008, Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: // % 20DETECTION % 20SYSTEM.pdf Bacillus C CalciferolDragan Pleskonjic, Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems ( WIDS ) , Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: // Tocopherol F Gram HydrogenHamid Boland and Hamed Mousavi, Security issues of the ieee 802.11b radio local area network, 2004, Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: // tp= A ; arnumber=1345023 A ; isnumber=29618 I Joule K Liter Meter Nitrogen OxygenQingtao Wu, Zhiqing Shao, Network Anomaly Detection Using Time Series AnalysisEast China University of Science and Technology, 2005, Retrieved from Phosphorus Q Roentgen Second Thymine Uracil Volt Tungsten Ten Yttrium Omega

Saturday, October 19, 2019


NURSING THE PERSON WITH AN ACUTE PYSIOLOGICAL DISTURBANCE. PART A- IDENTIFY WITH REASON, THOSE GROUPS OF PEOPLE WHO ARE PREDISPOSED TO DEVELOPING DEEP VEIN THRO - Essay Example 05), elderly individuals, obesity, prior history of DVT, venous stasis, local compression on the veins, and acute factors like severe dehydration (Guirguis, 2000). DVT also can occur from iatrogenic injury of the femoral veins (Wood, 2000; Joynt, 2000), malignancy (pancreas, lung, ovary, testes, urinary tract, breast and stomach), after major surgery (orthopedic, thoracic, abdominal and genitourinary procedures), following trauma (fractures of spine, pelvis, femur, tibia and spinal cord), burns, pregnancy and the postpartum period, estrogen use, hypercoagulable states (deficiencies of protein C, protein S, fibrinogen, factor V, factor VIII, factor IX, factor XI, prothrombin, and antiphospholipid antibodies), venulitis (thromboangitis obliterans, Behcets disease, and homocystinuria) (Creager & Dzau, 1998), end-stage renal disease and congestive cardiac failure (Casserly, 2000). Thrombogenesis is a finely balanced process between coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways. The interaction between plasminogen activators (e.g. tissue plasminogen activator) and inhibitors that modulate this activity (e.g. plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI-1) influences the fibrinolytic system. Plasma fibrinogen determines plasma viscosity, blood flow, affects platelet aggregation, blood viscosity, interacts with plasminogen binding and along with thrombi, mediates the final steps in clot formation. The levels of fibrinogen associates directly with age, obesity, smoking, diabetes and LDL-C and inversely with HDL-C, alcohol use, physical activity and exercise level. Increased fibrinogen is also associated with many different forms of vascular and inflammatory disease. Impaired fibrinolysis, as demonstrated by the elevated levels of plasminogen activator, is seen in obese patients, and explains the increased risk of thrombosis and other vascular disease in the obese (Chung & Lip, 2004). Virchow’s classical triad of factors that lead to the development of thrombosis (thrombogenesis)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing Human Resouces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing Human Resouces - Essay Example ty, than the last one is Personal Objective, it is assumed to be the core purpose of HR and that is to assist employees in reaching their own goals and helping and assuring their contribution in the success of the organization it self. Lets move onto few more important steps of HR. "To raise productive efficiency and to improve the physical and mental conditions under which people work. The two goals are related in the sense that better working conditions may raise productivity, but this does not always happen. The emphasis differs among countries and among enterprises. Quality circles, for example, are designed primarily to raise productivity, while safety and health measures may be directed toward improving the working environment, even at the expense of output"(Galenson, 47: 1991). The most important thing to do in life is "Work" and one cannot do any such work in a long term, which is affecting the personal issues, it can be very difficult for someone to actually work an entire life with in same circumstances which are making life even more terrible rather than fulfilling the needs of that individual, the stress is inevitable in the lives of each and every one of us and just simply cannot move out of it though there are numerous ways through which we can reduce stress in life, it is all about managing and brining a balance in life and work, if the balance can be found than it would involuntarily bring stress under control. According to Cooper in 1999, "there is a considerable amount of activity in the field of stress Management, it is disproportionally concentrated on reducing the effects of stress, rather than reducing the presence of stressors at work"(p. 1). It is important to know the relationship between the work and stress, how could some one work effectively if he/she knows that in coming weak he/she would be fired How could someone work effectively if someone after knowing that in the next 48 hours he/she would have to work continuously because of some sudden problem We all simply can understand the basics required to live a healthy life. The stress and work has a direct relation with each other, the stress created by work is usually based on three characteristics of human nature, couple of them has been discussed but they are more formally known as Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, these points are the results of previous redundancies or the happening things around such as change in company policies and change in the organization's culture, in the modern days Human Resources have gained more

Togther we stand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Togther we stand - Essay Example To substantiate the hypothesis, the necessary research was made, with the assistance of some people in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). With the help of monitoring devices, such as gas analyzers and detectors, the toxic fumes being emitted by the company were identified. The findings revealed that the level of poisonous chemicals being emitted is way above acceptable levels. The EPA concluded that the pollution that resulted from the operations of the gas company is indeed detrimental to the health of the residents. They have slowly polluted the air, soil and water. The results of the research were showed to the city health administrators and some doctors and they all agreed that there is a direct link between the pollutants and the health problems currently being suffered by our community members. The city health officials presented data on the rising incidences of asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses and skin diseases ever since the gas company started operat ions. Given the above scenario, this letter was decided to be written to ask for support in this fight against air pollution. To address this urgent issue, it is kindly suggest that community leaders, together with the city health administrators and government representatives from the EPA to meet with the management of the gas company and inform them of the findings regarding their emissions and how it has affected the health of our residents. It is important that data to this effect be presented to them to support the veracity of our claim. It is but proper to require the gas company to disclose the amount of toxins and chemicals that they emit. They should come out with a plan on how to reduce and manage their wastes and emissions so as not to adversely affect the health of the residents within the community where they operate. They should at the very least deliberate on ways on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Other companies have

What Is Going Green Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

What Is Going Green - Essay Example Due to the massive and colossal damage that the global warming is bringing to the universe, going green is one of the solutions through which the human populace can protect and safeguard it. While going green, it means that the humankind is making an effort to sustain, uphold, and preserve the natural resources, organisms and structures, and at the same time creates an equilibrium and natural stability in the atmospheric conditions. Several ethical values of attempts can come under practice in order to survive and reside a green life, which include plowing of plants and trees in every available properties, promote aforestation, and appall deforestation. In addition, they include safeguarding the wildlife creatures, evade all the prospects that contribute to pollution, promote recycling of products that are not eco-friendly and many more (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). Few of the natural resources of the universe have come under damage, and now the universe is only left with limited and certain amount of natural resources, which if maintained, the future generations would be able to utilize it, therefore, it has become very important to conserve the restricted natural resources that are present to the humanity. Every individual should contribute in making the world a greener place so that the young generation can have a healthy place to live and survive, and his or her future becomes bright (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). ... Every individual should contribute in making the world a greener place so that the young generation can have a healthy place to live and survive, and his or her future becomes bright (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). Benefits of Going Green Going green and adding value to the maintenance and protecting the universe leads to several benefits. Going green is one of the finest and superlative attempts that bring a great deal of help in the saving the earth that is like a mother, as the people have already contributed to a great extent in the immense and mammoth destructions through bloodshed, wars, deforestations, and several other reasons (Sleeth, pp. 345-360, 2009). Aforestation that includes cultivation of more and more trees on unused lands and soils, and discourage deforestation from which several products come under production, and preservation of the wildlife are one of the leading and pivotal solutions that augment the environment to go green. This will help the air from pollution a nd provide a more natural atmospheric climate that add more value to the green environment and would eventually benefit the entire populace of the world (Chiras, pp. 229-234, 2010). Numerous people are unacquainted and unconscious about the fact that the widespread and frequently used household products contain dangerous pesticides that may produce harm to their bodies on a constant basis. However, by going green and switching to products that are environmentally safe, it not only saves the world, but the health of the people will also have an optimistic and constructive effect and will lead to a healthier life (Sleeth, pp. 3-15, 2009). In addition, the houses are important and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International business organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International business organisation - Essay Example Parallel to what stationary retailing, early consideration was just given to how the internet could be used as sales channel. Internationalization and international entrepreneurship SMEs has remained an issue of considerable relevance, principally to the observed growing effects of cross border venturing (European Commission, 2007). This realization was at the heart of the 2007 OECD-APEC study on at removing barriers to the SME Access towards the International Markets that provided general findings on the major barriers to SME internationalization as perceived by the SMEs and policymakers in the OECD and APEC member economies.1 The first internet presence happened with the international purchasing facilities in the year1997, and in 1999 this was when the first full scale online shop of Blue Tomato was opened. In its broad tendency, the Blue Tomato Company belongs to the born international group. In the year 2001, the second generation of internet shops then went online, making Blue Tomato as one of the leading snowboard mail order retailers in the subcontinent of Europe. The new shop generation was defined by the company as the internet shop, which was based on a completely new technology. Along with these were the test centers and snowboard schools, which were also grounds for direct customer contact. Today, the internet helps the Blue Tomato Company in internationalization through providing 90 per cent of the company’s total sales. This continues to take the upper trend. Limitations in the finance and the related physical resources have continued to be highlighted as the leading barrier to the internationalization of SMEs. The pertinent evidence would include the observed disadvantages faced by the Canadian international new ventures or the earlier stage SME exporters, relative to their more of an established counterpart, in regard to the access of the operating and term loans and the terms thereof. A

Zinc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Zinc - Essay Example o the increase in the amount of Zn in the rivers include but are not limited to such human activities as industrial and urban sewages, runoffs, and atmospheric sediments. More than anywhere else, presence of such elements as Zn in excess in the river water is more dangerous since it reaches the livestock and humans directly or indirectly. A great variation in the behavior of Zn is also evident from the fact that while it is brittle at low temperatures, Zn becomes quite ductile and malleable at temperatures reaching anywhere between 110 and 115C. Just as it changes in its physical properties with temperature, Zn changes in terms of its effects on the environment when it gets in excess. This is a wonderful and very informative essay about the effects of Zn in the environment which is often considered as an element that cannot affect the environment in harmful ways. This is an important issue and needs to be explored and studied in detail in order for all the confusions and misconceptions surrounding it to be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Is Going Green Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

What Is Going Green - Essay Example Due to the massive and colossal damage that the global warming is bringing to the universe, going green is one of the solutions through which the human populace can protect and safeguard it. While going green, it means that the humankind is making an effort to sustain, uphold, and preserve the natural resources, organisms and structures, and at the same time creates an equilibrium and natural stability in the atmospheric conditions. Several ethical values of attempts can come under practice in order to survive and reside a green life, which include plowing of plants and trees in every available properties, promote aforestation, and appall deforestation. In addition, they include safeguarding the wildlife creatures, evade all the prospects that contribute to pollution, promote recycling of products that are not eco-friendly and many more (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). Few of the natural resources of the universe have come under damage, and now the universe is only left with limited and certain amount of natural resources, which if maintained, the future generations would be able to utilize it, therefore, it has become very important to conserve the restricted natural resources that are present to the humanity. Every individual should contribute in making the world a greener place so that the young generation can have a healthy place to live and survive, and his or her future becomes bright (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). ... Every individual should contribute in making the world a greener place so that the young generation can have a healthy place to live and survive, and his or her future becomes bright (Brainworks, pp. 4-18, 2009). Benefits of Going Green Going green and adding value to the maintenance and protecting the universe leads to several benefits. Going green is one of the finest and superlative attempts that bring a great deal of help in the saving the earth that is like a mother, as the people have already contributed to a great extent in the immense and mammoth destructions through bloodshed, wars, deforestations, and several other reasons (Sleeth, pp. 345-360, 2009). Aforestation that includes cultivation of more and more trees on unused lands and soils, and discourage deforestation from which several products come under production, and preservation of the wildlife are one of the leading and pivotal solutions that augment the environment to go green. This will help the air from pollution a nd provide a more natural atmospheric climate that add more value to the green environment and would eventually benefit the entire populace of the world (Chiras, pp. 229-234, 2010). Numerous people are unacquainted and unconscious about the fact that the widespread and frequently used household products contain dangerous pesticides that may produce harm to their bodies on a constant basis. However, by going green and switching to products that are environmentally safe, it not only saves the world, but the health of the people will also have an optimistic and constructive effect and will lead to a healthier life (Sleeth, pp. 3-15, 2009). In addition, the houses are important and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Zinc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Zinc - Essay Example o the increase in the amount of Zn in the rivers include but are not limited to such human activities as industrial and urban sewages, runoffs, and atmospheric sediments. More than anywhere else, presence of such elements as Zn in excess in the river water is more dangerous since it reaches the livestock and humans directly or indirectly. A great variation in the behavior of Zn is also evident from the fact that while it is brittle at low temperatures, Zn becomes quite ductile and malleable at temperatures reaching anywhere between 110 and 115C. Just as it changes in its physical properties with temperature, Zn changes in terms of its effects on the environment when it gets in excess. This is a wonderful and very informative essay about the effects of Zn in the environment which is often considered as an element that cannot affect the environment in harmful ways. This is an important issue and needs to be explored and studied in detail in order for all the confusions and misconceptions surrounding it to be

Paraphrased Article Essay Example for Free

Paraphrased Article Essay â€Å"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. † Bill Gates, Founder of the giant Microsoft Corporations Ltd. Internet has arguably become one of the most indispensible parts of the lives of millions of people around the globe. There are not many laws which regulate the usage of internet for collecting information about the political processes, persona or policies. A common man can readily get involved in the political process by accessing the internet, reading various articles or news on National Politics and give his/her view on the same. The low cost model of the internet is an effective tool to involve millions of global citizens and make them active members in the political systems. The article ‘The Citizen Participation Gap: Can the Internet Help? ’ points out that the Internet is a medium which cuts across barriers and various sections of the society. It leverages from the varied social, political, and educational backgrounds of the users and thus adds multiple dimensions to the process of political participation. It is important to note that the usage of internet and age of the user are inversely proportional. As people grow old their internet usage goes down. For example,, most of the Internet users fall in the age group of 18-29 years. These users are active members of various social networking sites and many of them are online to investigate their political participation opportunities. Thus theoretically it could be claimed that it is the widespread reach and use of the Internet which has made it possible for young people ,to become the largest captive audiences to be involved in the process of political participation. One of the recent examples of this could be seen in the Indian politics wherein the ex foreign minister Mr. Shashi Tharoor garnered massive support from his followers on the social networking site twitter while he was forced to resign after being caught in a controversy with the Indian Premier League. Various online campaigns supporting Shashi Tharoor came up and people expressed their views in the entire process. We are here to say, we support you Shashi Tharoor. Dont let them pull you down for you will take our hopes and dreams for a better and brighter India with you. You bring to India everything we had ever hoped would change, and we stand by you, said a viewer on the Support Shashi Tharoor website. In the past decade the internet usage among people has gone up. More and more people use the Internet,, and it is being regarded as one of the most powerful mediums giving direct access to a citizen in the political process. Muir believes that the Internet participation of people is the cause of powerful influence. People comment on national or international news, spread their views and comments in the form of blogs and to some extent are instrumental in deciding the course of political development of a news. Social networking sites like twitter helps people to be directly in touch with their favorite political leaders and give them their views and opinions. This proposal not only increased the participation of citizens but also improved the quality of the projects. Exploring the past and present trends in the use of internet, Coglianese concludes that the Internet will remain a powerful source of information and participation in the future. In conclusion it could be said that in spite of many view points against the use of the internet, the positive influence of Internet on the participation of citizens cannot be denied. The internet provides a common man a platform and gives them a chance to express their opinion and viewpoints, create their profiles, have a group of online supporters and influence changes in the political scenario. The amount of opportunities that the internet provides and individual to make friends and increase their social networks is massive. No doubt, there are a number of impediments to the efficient application of an Internet based government; nevertheless, these obstructions can be dealt with in the years to come.. By Uma Subramanian

Monday, October 14, 2019


SWOT Analysis OF NIKE Partial fulfillment by the award of the post graduate diploma in business Management. From Fortune School of Technology and Management in Singapore. Nike Inc. was founded in  1962 by Bill Bower man and Philip H.  Knight as a  partnership under the  name, Blue  Ribbon Sports.  Since Germany conquered  the domestic market in America, Nike came with low-cost and high quality products for the American people. Today, Nike manufactures and distributes athletic shoes in the global market and 40% of  its sales come from athletic apparel, sports equipment,and subsidiary ventures and they have  traditional  as  well  as  nontraditional  distribution  channels  in  more  than  100countries globally. Nike has attained a premier position in the market but in 1998, the company has to face the issue of exploiting overseas workers and the altering consumer  needs negatively pretentious the sales of Nike. In this report, I have discussed the case history of Nike that majorly covers the child labor  problem and the problem of change in consumers preferences after which I have done the SWOT analysis and hav e come up with strategic objectives, market driven strategy Objectives. Furthermore, the marketing strategy is discussed that covers the segmentation strategy, targeting, positioning and channel distribution of Nike and the product, price and promotional strategy it must approve.  In the  end, I  have given some  recommendations to Nikes management to force it towards success. Contents INTRODUCTION: The company Nike has establish its brand with lot of efforts today almost all knows about Nike it is a world famous brand with a good reputation. Knight called his first shoe Tiger and began allocation at path meet. Blue Ribbon in 1971 earned its Swoosh and knight introduces the most important Nike brand line. In 1978 the Blue Ribbon becomes Nike and both years their earnings grow steadily. Due to Nike attention in informal shoes in the 1980, they missed the leaning to aerobic shoe and cut down after allowing Reebok to manage the marketplace. MISSION AND VISION: Nike states in its mission declaration that it entail responsibility commerce in a guilty way, most important to sustainable monetary increase. With the advance in knowledge, Human resource practices, the healthy knowledgeable and skilled employment power, here is extremely small deficient to distinguish organization. Living being seen to go added than the lowest amount necessary on community issue can draw and keep patrons. This bottle sea green modification attracts concentration to the association; they are view as thoughtful and public liable (Mullins, L. 2005). A speech, on the construction put into practice of Nike during its make obtainable sequence accuse the association of individual concerned in limited operational circumstances, defiance of hard work civil rights, low salary and pestering of its labor force. Nike takes this information seriously. On the basis of the learning answer the business has make stronger the check of its dealer (Hummels, H and Timmer, D.2004) OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: Provide an environment which develops people to maximize their contribution to NIKE. Identify focused consumer segment opportunities. Provide quality and innovative services and products internally and externally Establish and nurture relevant emotional ties with consumer segments. Maximize profits. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths Nike is a very competitive organization. Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is frequently quoted as saying that Business is war without bullets. Nike has a healthy aversion of is competitors. At the Atlanta Olympics, Reebok went to the outlay of sponsoring the games. Nike did not. However Nike sponsored the top athletes and gained valuable reporting. Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. This makes a very lean organization. Nike is tough at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. They then manufacture wherever they can produce high quality product at the lowest possible price. If prices rise, and products can be made more cheaply elsewhere (to the same or better specification), Nike will move production. (ynkamat, 2009) Nike is a global brand. It is the number one sports brand in the World. Its famous Swoosh is instantly familiar, and Phil Knight even has it tattooed on his ankle Nike is quite strong regarding its research and development; quite marked regarding its evolving and innovative product choice. They manufacture high quality at the lowest potential price, if prices rise due to price hike then the production process is made cheaper by changing the place of production. It belongs to the  Fortune 500 companies. Nike employs about more than 30.000 people worldwide. It has a strong sense of marketing promotion by sponsoring top athletes. It uses linarite foam and flies wire materials in order to make the manufactured shoes lighter and more convenient. (Adam, 2009) Its standing for high quality and innovative footwear .Nike is also known for its innovative marketing .Nike ads are part of the pop culture an impressive achievement. Famous campaigns feature bo Jackson, Michael Jordon, and Tiger Woods the Nikes swoosh is highly recognizable world wide .Nikes recent comeback has been greatly helped by increased sales of Nikes apparel. (Robert N. Lussier, 2009) Political Analysis According to PEST analysis the political enviourment can be taken as strength The government must create economic policies that will foster the growth of businesses. Nike, fortunately, has been helped by the US policies which enable it to advance its products. The support accorded to Nike by the US government, particularly in the general macroeconomic stability, low interest rates, stable currency conditions and the international competitiveness of the tax system, form the foundation critical to Nikes growth. (Cuizon, 2009) Society Analysis According to PEST analysis the social enviourment can be taken as strength People are more health conscious currently. Diet and health are getting more prominence. Consequently, more and more people are joining fitness clubs. There is an accompanying demand for fitness products particularly exercise apparel, shoes and equipment. Nike is at the front position of this surge in demand as people are looking for sports shoes, apparel and equipment. (Cuizon, 2009) Technology Analysis Political Analysis According to PEST analysis the technological enviourment can be taken as strength Nike uses IT in its marketing information systems very effectively. Nike applies marketing information systems to the economics of improvement, segmentation and differentiation for nearly all of its businesses. Nikes leadership status owes in large part to the use of extremely valuable Information Technology, and applying it to every aspect of the product from development to distribution. Nike, being the world leader in the athletic footwear industry, is able to effectively harness its environment to boost its marketing efforts. This strategy has translated into robust sales of Nikes products. (Cuizon, 2009) Weaknesses The organization does have a diversified range of sports products. However, the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. This may leave it vulnerable if for any reason its market share erodes. The retail sector is very price sensitive. Nike does have its own retailer in Nike Town. However, most of its income is derived from selling into retailers. Retailers tend to offer a very similar experience to the consumer. Can you tell one sports retailer from another? So margins tend to get squeezed as retailers try to pass some of the low price competition pressure onto Nike. Nike was for quite some time unwilling to disclose any type of information concerning its partnering companies. It was charged with the violation of overtime and  minimum wage  rates in Vietnam, 1996, that was seen as having poor working conditions, and that it was also charged for exploiting cheap workforce overseas. (ynkamat, 2009) Nike was also reported to have applied child labor in Pakistan and Cambodia to produce  soccer balls. It was positioned as a subject of criticism by anti-globalization groups due to its unruly and exploited manner that was quite a disaster for its reputation. (Adam, 2009) In late 2005 founder phil knight resigned from the CEO position at Nike. Since that time Nike has had two CEO s. Nike brand co president mark parker is the companies new president and chief executive officer following the resignation of William D. Perez will Nike ever be able to replace the larger than life founder Phil knight? Another question on the area concerning is that global sales, such as Europe and Asia ,have instead at a much faster pace than domestic sales in the United States. (Robert N. Lussier, 2009) Economic Analysis According to PEST analysis the economic enviourment can be taken as weakness In economy, the biggest threat for Nike would be economic recession. During recession, Nikes growth will be adversely affected. The US economy is experiencing a downturn right now. Consumer purchases are slowing down. Currently, Nikes feeling the pinch of the economic recession. The Asian economic crisis also affects Nike since its goods are manufactured in Asia. The labor costs and material prices are going up. Nikes growth is not just affected by the local economy but also in the international economy. A weak Euro and an Asian recession could mean weak sales for Nike. The overall results in the sales generated by Nike in athletic footwear, however, remained stable. The global market makes up for the variances in sales particularly between peak and lean seasons. (Cuizon, 2009) Society Analysis According to PEST analysis the social enviourment can be taken as weakness Nike, however, failed to foresee problems brought about by a sweatshop expose pertaining to labor and factory conditions at production locations in Asia. This caused bad publicity and declining sales as society and consumers Opportunities Product development offers Nike many opportunities. The brand is fiercely defended by its owners whom truly believe that Nike is not a fashion brand. However, like it or not, consumers that wear Nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport. Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion brand. This creates its own opportunities, since product could become unfashionable before it wears out i.e. consumers need to replace shoes. There is also the opportunity to develop products such as sport wear, sunglasses and jewellery. Such high value items do tend to have associated with them, high profits. The business could also be developed internationally, building upon its strong global brand recognition. There are many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. For example, emerging markets such as China and India have a new richer generation of consumers. There are also global marketing events that can be utilized to support the brand such as the World Cup (soccer) and The Olympics. (ynkamat, 2009) The brand is sternly defended by its owners who believe that Nike is not a fashion brand, however, a large number of consumers wear Nike product because they derive a fashion  trend  rather than to participate in a sport. It is mostly argued that in youth culture, Nike is a fashion brand which also creates  opportunities  for Nike since its products would become outdated before even the product wears out i.e. consumers will feel the need to replace the product with a newer  trend. There are many international regions that still need tapping and there is need for sportswear and with Nikes strong global brand recognition, it can initiate in many markets that have the disposable income to spend on high value sports goods. Nike gives a lot of effort on its corporate marketing mainly through the  promotion of  corporate brand  and sponsorship agreements. (Adam, 2009) Nike has an opportunity to capitalize on its own Nike Technology. This is a sensor placed in Nike footwear that interacts with Apples iPod to record the distance a runner has completed and the calories that have been burned. Another opportunity will be to capitalize on an endorsement deal with LeBorn James after his NBA playoffs and championship series appearances. Additionally, Tiger woods yearly attempt to win all four major Golf Tourments automatically allows Nike to build product campaigns around the Tournaments. (Robert N. Lussier, 2009) Threats Nike is exposed to the international nature of trade. It buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. Such an exposure could mean that Nike may be manufacturing and/or selling at a loss. This is an issue that faces all global brands. The market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. The model developed by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days (high value branded product manufactured at a low cost) is now commonly used and to an extent is no longer a basis for sustainable competitive advantage. Competitors are developing alternative brands to take away Nikes market share. As discussed above in weaknesses, the retail sector is becoming price competitive. This ultimately means that consumers are shopping around for a better deal. So if one store charges a price for a pair of sports shoes, the consumer could go to the store along the street to compare prices for the exactly the same item, and buy the cheaper of the two. Such consumer price sensitivity is a potential external threat to Nike. (ynkamat, 2009) Consumers are constantly shopping around for a better deal that conveys a good quality and if one store charges a higher price for the products, the consumer would try to seek a better deal of the same product in the premises that delivers the same value but cheaper of the two, this type of price sensitivity among the consumers is a potential threat to Nike. The textile industry unpleasantly upsets the atmosphere, and therefore the organization is constantly struggling to retain its eco-friendly reputation. A recession may lead to job shortages in most of Nikes worldwide branches. The organization has experienced many adverse publicity feedbacks due to its widespread advertising If you have a body, you are an athlete   Bill Bower man said this couple of decades ago. The guy was right. It defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how Nike pursues its destiny. Ours is a language of sports, a universally understood lexicon of passion and competition. A lot has happened at Nike in the 30 years (Adam, 2009) Specific threat is the contracts that Reebok (now part of Adidas) signed with the NBA and NFL for its apparel businesses. Another threat is the ongoing public relationship s problem pertaining to working environments in the factories producing Nike sneakers. Nike has striven to overcome images of sweatshop conditions, but the problem has been difficult to solve. (Robert N. Lussier, 2009) Porters five forces Source:( Potential Entrants Low Bargaining power of buyers High Bargaining power of suppliers Low Threats of substitutes Low Industries rivalry High Refer to appendix 1 CONCLUSION: SWOT analysis should always be measured by all companies as it helps show companies all their weaknesses and threats. At the same time it also shows what the companies strengths and opportunities. Using this analysis companies can spotlight on their good part of the business and focus more on the bad part to make it good. Also a company can see what factors are external or internal which helps the business in a long run to be more capable REFERENCES Adam, 2009. Nike SWOT Analysis. [Online] Available at: HYPERLINK [Accessed February 2011]. angeletti3, 2005. Nike versus Adidas Case Study and Competitive Analysis. [Online] Available at: HYPERLINK [Accessed February 2011]. Cuizon, G., 2009. Marketing Audit of Nikes Strategies. [Online] Available at: HYPERLINK [Accessed February 2011]. E, P.M., 1998. In Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. Free Press. Gerry Johnson, K.S.W., 2008. In P. Education, ed. Exploring Corporate Strategy. 7th ed. Phil Knight, 2011. Company History. [Online] Available at: HYPERLINK . Robert N. Lussier, D.K., 2009. Applied Sport Management Skills. Human Kinetics. ynkamat, 2009. SWOT of Nike. [Online] Available at: HYPERLINK [Accessed February 2011].