Monday, August 26, 2019

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - Essay Example According to D'Amico and Barbarito (2012), health history is a way of obtaining information about patients’ health based on their own words and perceptions. P.W’s case requires a health history assessment that would help in evaluating the cause of her health condition. In evaluating her health history, interviewing her about the family’s past and present health history would help to understand the nature of her condition and diagnose effective lifestyle measures. In addition, the physical examination would help in studying underlying physical symptoms presented by the patient and enhance accurate diagnosis (Brashers, 2006).  According to D'Amico and Barbarito (2012), health history is a way of obtaining information about patients’ health based on their own words and perceptions. P.W’s case requires a health history assessment that would help in evaluating the cause of her health condition. In evaluating her health history, interviewing her about t he family’s past and present health history would help to understand the nature of her condition and diagnose effective lifestyle measures. In addition, the physical examination would help in studying underlying physical symptoms presented by the patient and enhance accurate diagnosis (Brashers, 2006).  For effective diagnosis, I would:†¢ Ask P.W questions about her past health and take the history specifically for patterns associated with menstruation, obesity, breast development and hirsutism.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Conduct a physical examination through inspection methods. This would involve conducting gynecologic ultrasonography that would help in identifying small ovarian follicles that disturb ovarian functions with failed ovulation.  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Measure blood pressure level, waist size, and body mass index. I would also inspect the skin for any increased hair growth. This would help in determining the effects on hormonal imbalances on hair growth or changes of the skin textur e.  For P.W to manage her condition, I would recommend the following:†¢ Birth control pills would help in controlling menstrual cycles, clearing acne as well as reducing hormone levels.  

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