Thursday, August 8, 2019

HomeLand Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HomeLand Security - Essay Example The course content in the introduction relates to the general framework which QHSR operates in general1. The second course, The Unconventional Threat to Homeland Security, how terrorism operate and how there organized in terms of the extremists behind them and the groups. How they are formed and the transnational nature of the people within the United States operating as individuals and groups. This people raise money and raise money to use and all motivators behind terrorism with all the political organizations who fund these terrorists. The QHSR examines terrorists who act alone in home soil and how Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Al-Shabaab were formed. The funders of these organizations have been governments sympathizing with these terrorist organizations and the vision of QHSR is to try to dismantle these organizations. Further, intelligence community needs to understand the course on intelligence to on how these organizations operate. The course offers substantive skills on information gathering at all levels in countering and deterring from happening2. The CHDS offers research and critical writing are part of the course. Research writing and homeland security and Research Colloquium are the two courses offered dealing with it. The courses train students on how to write strong thesis which relate the practical nature of terrorism with policy framework that deals with counter terrorism, it relates academics with the practice. The basis of the two courses tries to equip students with skills of overall terrorism contexts. QHSR policy framework needs implementation by use of appropriate technology in a manner as to attain proper preventive mechanism and storing relevant data that can be used to help in the training process. The institution offers use of technology as a core course because the terrorist on our times employs technology to organize the crimes and implement.

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