Monday, August 12, 2019

Human Resource Management Portfolio Research Paper

Human Resource Management Portfolio - Research Paper Example A job analysis based on background study facilitated development of job description. A study of the company’s strategies facilitated job analysis. The company’s strategy map proved to be the most essential part of this exercise. In addition, differing views from literature added greater knowledge and reasoning to the process of creation of a job description. The end result emerged as a detailed job description that highlights all key responsibility areas and essential skills required for the role. Based on these details, qualifications and experience needed for the role are identified. Overall, this effort has shed much light on the significance of human resources in organizational sustenance and growth; this process clarified the strategic link between job analysis, performance management and organizational sustenance. Table of Contents Content Page Section 1. Introduction 5 1.1. Job in context: Store manager at Tesco 5 1.2. Strategic position of Store manager at Tesco 5 Section 2. Job analysis 6 2.1. Job analysis for Store manager at Tesco 6 2.2 Job analysis method: Review of background records 7 2.3. Job analysis and organizational sustenance 11 Section 3. ... Link between Job Analysis and other management functions 11 Figure 4. Job Characteristics Model 12 Figure 5. Selection process at Tesco 16 Figure 6. Link between JD and performance management 17 List of Appendices Appendix 1: Job description for Store Manager, Tesco 21 Appendix 2: Job Advert – Store Manager, Tesco 23 List of Abbreviations HRM: Human resources management HR: Human resources JD: Job description Section 1. Introduction 1.1. Job in context: Store manager at Tesco. This discussion builds a portfolio for the manager’s position in a retail supermarket. The concerned workplace is the renowned supermarket Tesco, which is one of the top 3 supermarkets in the world. Tesco is about a hundred year-old multi-dimensional business that originated in the United Kingdom as a small retail shop. Tesco has its presence in more than 10 countries and employs about half a million people across the globe. Moreover, Tesco’s growth is not limited to retail groceriesâ€℠¢ sector but has invaded numerous other business areas such as investment, information technology, communications, petrochemical products, food, clothing, consumer electronics, telecommunications etc (McLoughlin & Aaker, 2010). With such vast business, Tesco operates based on systematic and planned strategy throughout the world. Its strategies invade every aspect of its widely diverse business operations including finance, production, service, retail, learning, customer service, and logistics. This report specifically evaluates the role of a team manager in the retail sector of Tesco, which is planning to open its new branch in Vietnam. This role is mainly responsible for store operations on a day-to-day basis along with management of a team of store representatives and their supervisors. 1.2.

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