Friday, December 6, 2019

Manage Organizational Changes

Question: Describe about manage organizational changes in technology? Answer: Introduction: Mobile technology, the technology focus for restaurants has complete big stride in the direction of mobile platform. According to this new development are seen in loyalty programs, order, compensation etc (Steve Myers, 2013). Developers are increasingly combining this function into a single solution, adding up an extra layer of convenience that is vital to incomplete services restaurants (Phillips, 1983). Looking to generation Z, focus on todays generation kids are more excited when its come to eating and they are eager to try new foods, after they came in certain stages kids even dont want to see their menu they are interested in looking to regular menu (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). Generation Z people are still love to eat pizza, chicken, etc but for todays generation they want more variation on this thing (Marshak, 2005). Pre-ordering food, in this customers order food from online system, because it is easy to deal with the cashier and they also create mobile ordering system which offers incentive like discounts, etc. in many fast food industry they are using this technology for over two years like pizza hut, subway etc are using it. Now a days customers love their mobile device, for fast food industry they first preference is toward their customers. According to today generation people are more dependable on their smart phones, while noticing this thing, industry owner launching a mobile application which will help the customers to order from there mobiles and pay for it with a credit card (Roehr, 2012). Mobile technology is become more popular and customers are enjoying checking a restaurants menu at their own rate and meting out their transaction while on the go. In several cases sometimes, customer visit to fast food restaurant where prepaid order is prepared for pickup. This recent technology has trapped the thought of many consumers to point out and differentiate among restaurants that recommend this option and those who dont and also expand preference for where they obtain fast foods (PeteBrookshaw, 2011). Impacts of new technology on the fast food industry: One of the positive impacts of new technology in fast food industries are mobile technology with the help of this technology they can place the order from online application, they can also pay via through credit card or cash on delivery (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). On the other hand negative impact of new technology is mergers play a very important role in this food chain sometime merges throughout a recession to grip a better share of market and raise in profits (Food, beverage membranes worth US$230mn by 2011, 2006). The mergers extended market share since it create the third largest fast food series in US (Caldwell, 2007). Technological advancement at McDonald: In McDonald technology are playing a vital role in it as well as they drive cost saving and operational effectiveness across the organization. Like for example in McDonald menu McSalads is not a single new thing on their menu apart from that company are also introducing wireless networking, internet terminals, music video etc in their stores. This is because providing their customers more choice and also makes the restaurants more relevant. Company is also introducing BT Open zone wifi hotspots into 561 drive thru stores, web based game for the children etc (, 2015). Their strategy is to satisfy the customers needs while introduce this wifi hotspot they satisfy their business customers so that businessman can easily check there official mail while using the hotspot facilities. Along with that McDonald is hoping to cash in by forming revenue sharing partnership and advertising deals with its internet services providers and equipment providers. Techno science helps to improve customers experience and improve the products (, 2015). Resistance to change: Individual resistance From starting, McDonald is known for their vegetarian product but according to the change in consumer test and preference they see that their product are not sold in the market later on the introducing their non- veg product to satisfy their customers those who prefer non-veg food items (Miettinen, 2005). Group resistance McDonald the company is making chicken items more instead of beef and pork because in America people are love to eat chicken more, apart from that according to the test and preference of Indian customers they come up with the spicy range of product because in India people love to eat spicy foods (, 2015). From employees In McDonalds, employees are fully satisfied because they keep screw their employees above because they do the whole thing in their power to stop us organizing. Employees can also buy foods for half price. From owners/ franchisees Owner of McDonald plan was to visualize their strategy to maintain their brand image on course regardless of how market area might shift (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). From customers McDonald target their kid customer how to satisfy their kid customers for that they come up with the happy meal product inside that product there is a cartoon character which kid will love. Figure: Resistance to change (Anderson Anderson, 2001) Driving forces for changes: In McDonald customers are the driving forces for shaping the future of the food industry, and customer test and preference are keep on changing, and there is basic needs customer should understand by McDonalds so that they are retain in the organization and do not move to the competitor companies (, 2015). Intense competition, there are huge competition in food industry; McDonald needs to have a calm with its competitors and build up new products which are behind the reach of its competitors (, 2015). Restraining forces for changes: Restraining force for changes in customer demand, according to the customer demand McDonald changes their product because their basic needs are to satisfy their customers (, 2015). Another one is competition, McDonald competitors are KFC, Subway. McDonald raising their product quality, so they can bit their competitors product. They come up with huge variety of products like spicy wrap, Mcflot. McMuffin, etc (Dean, 2009). Cost Benefit Analysis: In the context of technological advancement, McDonald has all kind of technological facilities to make sure easy way for its customers to use such as modern machineries to make the rise in production, online facilities etc. McDonald has free life insurance for three years, for store manger they provide free car facilities etc (Kotter, July 12, 2011). Kotters eight step model of changes: In case of McDonald the Kotters eight step model of changes revolves around three phases, such as create a climate for change, engage and enable the whole organization and implementation and sustain change (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). This indicates that the organization is throwing its weight behind product personalization and digital plan as it move onward required changes (, 2015). Figure: Kotters 8 step model of change (Mullins, 2013) Conclusion: Thus to conclude, it is become clear that change is a foreseeable as well as invariable feature. It is an unpreventable element of both communal as well as organisational existence and thus organization like McDonald needs to emphasize on all issue related to incessant change in the long term aspect. It is also the fact that organisation solitarily unable to enlarge or change. It is its stakeholders who settle on the traditions of the organisation as well as who integrate change. The study of manage organization change as a result must have to contemplate on the performance, behaviour as well as usefulness of the change model. Further, there is also requiring appropriate solution to address the resistance to change at every level. References: Anderson, D. Anderson, L.A. (2001).Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Todays Transformational Leaders.PP.56-102 Caldwell, R. (2007). Agency and Change: Re-evaluating Foucault's Legacy.Organization, 14(6), pp.769-791. Dean, C. (2009).RIMER Managing Successful Change PP. 66-78. Fanning, J., Marsh, T. and Stiegert, K. (2010). Determinants of US fast food consumption 1994 1998.British Food Journal, 112(1), pp.5-20. Food, beverage membranes worth US$230mn by 2011. (2006).Filtration Industry Analyst, 2006(9), p.16. Kotter, J. (July 12, 2011).Change Management vs. Change Leadership Whats the Difference?(online). Accessed on [08 March 2015]. Marshak, Robert J. (2005).Contemporary Challenges to the Philosophy and Practice of Organization Development In Bradford, David L.; Burke, W. Warner.Reinventing Organization Development: New Approaches to Change in Organizations. pp.1942, (2015).Home :: [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2015]., (2015).Home :: [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2015]. Miettinen, R. (2005). Epistemic Objects, Artefacts and Organizational Change.Organization, 12(3), pp.437-456. Mullins, J.L. (2013), Management Organizational Behaviour, 10thedition. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, pp. 690-693 PeteBrookshaw, (2011), Leadership and Management Similarities, (Online) Available at accessed on [08March 2015] Phillips, Julian R. (1983). Enhancing the effectiveness of organizational change management.Human Resource Management PP.22(12): 18399. Roehr, B. (2012). US tops salty fast food league table.BMJ, 344(apr17 1), pp.e2769-e2769. Steve Myers, (2013), Leadership and management what is the difference?, (Online) Available at accessed on [08March 2015]

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