Monday, December 23, 2019

American With Disabilities Act Into Law - 1690 Words

More than fifty-six million Americans have one or more physical disabilities. Many of these individuals are physically able to partake in everyday activities, yet they are excluded from these opportunities (Crockett). People with disabilities are intentionally isolated by society due to a stereotypical assumption of their lack of abilities to participate and contribute (Harris 368). They are viewed as objects of pity, who are unable to work, go to school, or live on their own†(Crockett). Ed Roberts, an individual with a disability, clearly states, [we] â€Å"are considered the weakest, the most helpless people in our society, [but] are the strongest, and will not tolerate segregation, [and] will not tolerate a society which sees us as less than whole people† (Laney 21). He wants to â€Å"reshape the image that society† has on them and prove that people with disabilities are just as capable as everyone else. George H.W. Bush signed the American with Disabilities Ac t into law on July 26, 1990. (The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Brief overview). Bush knew that the act was â€Å"powerful in its simplicity† and that it would â€Å"ensure that people with disabilities [were] given the basic guarantees for which they have worked so long and hard† (Americans with Disabilities Act, Medicine 3). The goal was to help people with disabilities live the â€Å"American Dream† and be identified by their potential and not their inadequacies (Rodgers 2). Since the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed intoShow MoreRelatedEducation For All Handicapped Children Act1063 Words   |  5 PagesThese laws listed below were unfortunately put in place to fight the ignorance and blatant discrimination disabled people were faced with. While these laws are a blessing to many, the fact that they had to be put in place reflect terribly, but truthfully on how many people see people with disabilities. 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There isn’t one person responsible for the ADA but rather thousands of Americans who have fought for the rights of people with disabilities and constantly worked to make their lives easier. People with disabilities for a long time were thought of as outsiders in society and were shunned by the majority. It wasn’t until the 1900’s when organizationsRead MoreAmericans With Disabilities Act Passed By President George H. W. Bush Essay1515 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans with Disabilities Act passed by Congress in 1990 and signed by President George H. W. Bush to become law takes effect, to prevent discrimination against persons with disabilities in accordance with the same way that contributed to the Civil Rights Act of him to prevent discrimination on grounds of religion, race, and sex. Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination by businesses and government s side against persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, during theRead MoreThe American With Disabilities Act971 Words   |  4 Pages The American with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. (Mayerson, 1992). According to Hallahan, Kauffman, Pullen (2015, P, 14) â€Å"the ADA provides protection of the civil rights in the specific areas of employment, transportation, public, accommodation, State and local government, and telecommunication. 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