Tuesday, December 31, 2019

U.S. Declaration of Independence in Spanish

The following is a Spanish translation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence; it is believed to be in the public domain. Links are provided for the Spanish student to review some of the words and grammatical concepts used in this document. Comparisons can also be made with the original text of the Declaration. Cuando en el curso de los acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario para un pueblo disolver los và ­nculos polà ­ticos que lo han ligado a otro y tomar entre las naciones de la tierra el puesto separado e igual a que las leyes de la naturaleza y el Dios de esa naturaleza le dan derecho, un justo respeto al juicio de la humanidad exige que declare las causas que lo impulsan a la separacià ³n. Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes en sà ­ mismas: que todos los hombres son creados iguales; que son dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre à ©stos està ¡n la vida, la libertad y la bà ºsqueda de la felicidad; que para garantizar estos derechos se instituyen entre los hombres los gobiernos, que derivan sus poderes legà ­timos del consentimiento de los gobernados; que cuando quiera que una forma de gobierno se haga destructora de estos principios, el pueblo tiene el derecho a reformarla o abolirla e instituir un nuevo gobierno que se funde en dichos principios, y a organizar sus poderes en la forma que a su juicio ofrecerà ¡ las mayores probabilidades de alcanzar su seguridad y felicidad. La prudencia, claro està ¡, aconsejarà ¡ que no se cambie por motivos leves y transitorios gobiernos de antiguo establecidos; y, en efecto, toda la experiencia ha demostrado que la humanidad està ¡ mà ¡s dispuesta a padecer, mientras los males sean tole rables, que a hacerse justicia aboliendo las formas a que està ¡ acostumbrada. Pero cuando una larga serie de abusos y usurpaciones, dirigida invariablemente al mismo objetivo, demuestra el designio de someter al pueblo a un despotismo absoluto, es su derecho, es su deber, derrocar ese gobierno y establecer nuevos resguardos para su futura seguridad. Tal ha sido el paciente sufrimiento de estas colonias; tal es ahora la necesidad que las obliga a reformar su anterior sistema de gobierno La historia del actual Rey de la Gran Bretaà ±a es una historia de repetidos agravios y usurpaciones, encaminados todos directamente hacia el establecimiento de una tiranà ­a absoluta sobre estos estados. Para probar esto, sometemos los hechos al juicio de un mundo imparcial. El Rey se ha negado a aprobar las leyes mà ¡s favorables y necesarias para el bienestar pà ºblico. Ha prohibido a sus gobernadores sancionar leyes de importancia inmediata y apremiante, a menos que su ejecucià ³n se suspenda hasta obtener su asentimiento; y una vez suspendidas se ha negado por completo a prestarles atencià ³n. Se ha rehusado a aprobar otras leyes convenientes a grandes comarcas pobladas, a menos que esos pueblos renuncien al derecho de ser representados en la Legislatura; derecho que es inestimable para el pueblo y terrible sà ­, para los tiranos. Ha convocado a los cuerpos legislativos en sitios desusados, incà ³modos y distantes del asiento de sus documentos pà ºblicos, con la sola idea de fatigarlos para cumplir con sus medidas. En repetidas ocasiones ha disuelto las Cà ¡maras de Representantes, por oponerse con firmeza viril a sus intromisiones en los derechos del pueblo. Durante mucho tiempo, y despuà ©s de esas disoluciones, se ha negado a permitir la eleccià ³n de otras Cà ¡maras; por lo cual, los poderes legislativos, cuyo aniquilamiento es imposible, han retornado al pueblo, sin limitacià ³n para su ejercicio; permaneciendo el Estado, mientras tanto, expuesto a todos los peligros de una invasià ³n exterior y a convulsiones internas. Ha tratado de impedir que se pueblen estos Estados, dificultando, con ese propà ³sito, las Leyes de Naturalizacià ³n de Extranjeros; rehusando aprobar otras para fomentar su inmigracià ³n y elevando las condiciones para las Nuevas Adquisiciones de Tierras. Ha entorpecido la administracià ³n de justicia al no aprobar las leyes que establecen los poderes judiciales. Ha hecho que los jueces dependan solamente de su voluntad, para poder desempeà ±ar sus cargos y en cuanto a la cantidad y pago de sus emolumentos. Ha fundado una gran diversidad de oficinas nuevas, enviando a un enjambre de funcionarios que acosan a nuestro pueblo y menguan su sustento. En tiempos de paz, ha mantenido entre nosotros ejà ©rcitos permanentes, sin el consentimiento de nuestras legislaturas. Ha influido para que la autoridad militar sea independiente de la civil y superior a ella. Se ha asociado con otros para someternos a una jurisdiccià ³n extraà ±a a nuestra constitucià ³n y no reconocida por nuestras leyes; aprobando sus actos de pretendida legislacià ³n: Para acuartelar, entre nosotros, grandes cuerpos de tropas armadas. Para protegerlos, por medio de un juicio ficticio, del castigo por los asesinatos que pudiesen cometer entre los habitantes de estos Estados. Para suspender nuestro comercio con todas las partes del mundo. Para imponernos impuestos sin nuestro consentimiento. Para privarnos, en muchos casos, de los beneficios de un juicio por jurado. Para transportarnos mà ¡s allà ¡ de los mares, con el fin de ser juzgados por supuestos agravios. Para abolir en una provincia vecina el libre sistema de las leyes inglesas, estableciendo en ella un gobierno arbitrario y extendiendo sus là ­mites, con el objeto de dar un ejemplo y disponer de un instrumento adecuado para introducir el mismo gobierno absoluto en estas Colonias. Para suprimir nuestras Cartas Constitutivas, abolir nuestras leyes mà ¡s valiosas y alterar en su esencia las formas de nuestros gobiernos. Para suspender nuestras propias legislaturas y declararse investido con facultades para legislarnos en todos los casos, cualesquiera que à ©stos sean. Ha abdicado de su gobierno en estos territorios al declarar que estamos fuera de su proteccià ³n y al emprender una guerra contra nosotros. Ha saqueado nuestros mares, asolado nuestras costas, incendiado nuestras ciudades y destruido la vida de nuestro pueblo. Al presente, està ¡ transportando grandes ejà ©rcitos de extranjeros mercenarios para completar la obra de muerte, desolacià ³n y tiranà ­a, ya iniciada en circunstancias de crueldad y perfidia que apenas si encuentran paralelo en las à ©pocas mà ¡s bà ¡rbaras, y por completo indignas del Jefe de una Nacià ³n civilizada. Ha obligado a nuestros conciudadanos, aprehendidos en alta mar, a que tomen armas contra su paà ­s, convirtià ©ndolos asà ­ en los verdugos de sus amigos y hermanos, o a morir bajo sus manos. Ha provocado insurrecciones intestinas entre nosotros y se ha esforzado por lanzar sobre los habitantes de nuestras fronteras a los inmisericordes indios salvajes, cuya conocida disposicià ³n para la guerra se distingue por la destruccià ³n de vidas, sin considerar edades, sexos ni condiciones. En cada etapa de estas opresiones, hemos pedido justicia en los tà ©rminos mà ¡s humildes: a nuestras repetidas peticiones se ha contestado solamente con repetidos agravios. Un Prà ­ncipe, cuyo caracter està ¡ asà ­ seà ±alado con cada uno de los actos que pueden definir a un tirano, no es digno de ser el gobernante de un pueblo libre. Tampoco hemos dejado de dirigirnos a nuestros hermanos brità ¡nicos. Los hemos prevenido de tiempo en tiempo de las tentativas de su poder legislativo para englobarnos en una jurisdiccià ³n injustificable. Les hemos recordado las circunstancias de nuestra emigracià ³n y radicacià ³n aquà ­. Hemos apelado a su innato sentido de justicia y magnanimidad, y los hemos conjurado, por los và ­nculos de nuestro parentesco, a repudiar esas usurpaciones, las cuales interrumpirà ­an inevitablemente nuestras relaciones y correspondencia. Tambià ©n ellos han sido sordos a la voz de la justicia y de la consanguinidad. Debemos, pues, convenir en la necesidad, que establece nuestra separacià ³n y considerarlos, como consideramos a las demà ¡s colectividades humanas: enemigos en la guerra, en la paz, amigos. Por lo tanto, los Representantes de los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica, convocados en Congreso General, apelando al Juez Supremo del mundo por la rectitud de nuestras intenciones, en nombre y por la autoridad del buen pueblo de estas Colonias, solemnemente hacemos pà ºblico y declaramos: Que estas Colonias Unidas son, y deben serlo por derecho, Estados Libres e Independientes; que quedan libres de toda lealtad a la Corona Brità ¡nica, y que toda vinculacià ³n polà ­tica entre ellas y el Estado de la Gran Bretaà ±a queda y debe quedar totalmente disuelta; y que, como Estados Libres o Independientes, tienen pleno poder para hacer la guerra, concertar la paz, concertar alianzas, establecer el comercio y efectuar los actos y providencias a que tienen derecho los Estados independientes. Y en apoyo de esta Declaracià ³n, con absoluta confianza en la proteccià ³n de la Divina Providencia, empeà ±amos nuestra vida, nuestra hacienda y nuestro sagrado honor.

Monday, December 23, 2019

American With Disabilities Act Into Law - 1690 Words

More than fifty-six million Americans have one or more physical disabilities. Many of these individuals are physically able to partake in everyday activities, yet they are excluded from these opportunities (Crockett). People with disabilities are intentionally isolated by society due to a stereotypical assumption of their lack of abilities to participate and contribute (Harris 368). They are viewed as objects of pity, who are unable to work, go to school, or live on their own†(Crockett). Ed Roberts, an individual with a disability, clearly states, [we] â€Å"are considered the weakest, the most helpless people in our society, [but] are the strongest, and will not tolerate segregation, [and] will not tolerate a society which sees us as less than whole people† (Laney 21). He wants to â€Å"reshape the image that society† has on them and prove that people with disabilities are just as capable as everyone else. George H.W. Bush signed the American with Disabilities Ac t into law on July 26, 1990. (The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Brief overview). Bush knew that the act was â€Å"powerful in its simplicity† and that it would â€Å"ensure that people with disabilities [were] given the basic guarantees for which they have worked so long and hard† (Americans with Disabilities Act, Medicine 3). The goal was to help people with disabilities live the â€Å"American Dream† and be identified by their potential and not their inadequacies (Rodgers 2). Since the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed intoShow MoreRelatedEducation For All Handicapped Children Act1063 Words   |  5 PagesThese laws listed below were unfortunately put in place to fight the ignorance and blatant discrimination disabled people were faced with. While these laws are a blessing to many, the fact that they had to be put in place reflect terribly, but truthfully on how many people see people with disabilities. My only hope is that one day these laws w ill be unnecessary, because people will start to treat those with disabilities according to their needs. IDEA; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 1990Read MoreThe American Disability Act ( Ada )1176 Words   |  5 Pages Disability has been a function historical to justify inequality for any disabled people, but in addition has also helped so many women, and minorities. Over the years there have been many models that can explain disability law. There is a social model which argues that it is the environment, that basically caused those traits to limit the functions; therefore creating disability. Another model that people tend to use when looking at disability is the normative claim, which his that disability shouldRead MoreAda and Affirmative Action Essay1000 Words   |  4 Pages religion, or disabilities. The American Disabilities Act and Affirmative Action are examples of two separate laws that were put into place to protect these people, and in turn offering these people equal opportunities. The American Disabilities Act or ADA was put into place initially in 1990 by President George W. Bush. The ADA is a civil rights law that protects people with disabilities. The ADA describes a person with a disability as follows: â€Å"An individual with a disability is a person whoRead MoreThe Disabled With Disabilities Act1541 Words   |  7 PagesJust like any other minority, the disabled have been discriminated throughout history. Disabilities can be composed of physical or mental handicaps and discrimination has always occurred for both. It has historically been difficult for the disabled to not only find employment, but also to keep acceptable employment. These individuals also have had trouble being treated properly on the job. Transportation has also been an issue because many of the disabled cannot move or get around as easily asRead MoreDiscrimination at Workplace873 Words   |  4 Pageshas been the problem of discrimination at places of work against people with d isability, based on race, sex, religion in almost all quarters and this has prompted quite a number of legislations and acts to be passed in a bid to guarantee the people the access and right to use and utilize all the public amenities as well as get the right and equal treatment as an American. Vivian Pearson (2012) notes that the federal law prohibits the employer from making hiring or firing decision based on the genderRead MoreAmericans With Disability Act Essay1180 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction The history of the Americans with Disabilities Act began long before it was originally introduced to Congress in 1988. (Mayerson, 1992). There isn’t one person responsible for the ADA but rather thousands of Americans who have fought for the rights of people with disabilities and constantly worked to make their lives easier. People with disabilities for a long time were thought of as outsiders in society and were shunned by the majority. It wasn’t until the 1900’s when organizationsRead MoreAmericans With Disabilities Act Passed By President George H. W. Bush Essay1515 Words   |  7 PagesAmericans with Disabilities Act passed by Congress in 1990 and signed by President George H. W. Bush to become law takes effect, to prevent discrimination against persons with disabilities in accordance with the same way that contributed to the Civil Rights Act of him to prevent discrimination on grounds of religion, race, and sex. Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination by businesses and government s side against persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, during theRead MoreThe American With Disabilities Act971 Words   |  4 Pages The American with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. (Mayerson, 1992). According to Hallahan, Kauffman, Pullen (2015, P, 14) â€Å"the ADA provides protection of the civil rights in the specific areas of employment, transportation, public, accommodation, State and local government, and telecommunication. According to Mayerson (1992, P1) â€Å"the ADA did not began at the signing ceremony at the White House, but it began in the communities, when parentsRead MoreAmerican With Disability Act ( Ada )855 Words   |  4 PagesIndividuals with disabilities continually encounter various forms of discrimination, including intentional exclusion from certain work areas, that denies them the opportunity to co mpete on an equal basis and to pursue those opportunities that guarantees success in the society. To guarantee success there is expectation regarding the relationship between the employer and employee, giving close attention to the various factors that should be considered to make the person with disability successful. ThisRead MoreHow Does One s Disability Affect Their Political Participation Within Society? 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Race in Shakespeare Free Essays

Since the Middle Ages, the issues of race have long been discussed. In nearly every culture, race has been a topic of complex discussion that has brought social discomfort and in most instances racial prejudice – Elizabethan England being no exception. William Shakespeare applies the issue of race in many of his plays; such in the tragedy of Othello that captures the reality of society in Elizabethan England, showing common racial bias of that era. We will write a custom essay sample on Race in Shakespeare or any similar topic only for you Order Now Through his characters in the play, Shakespeare illustrates Elizabethan social ideology towards race, in which foreigners have adapted to a lifestyle of racial prejudice.In order to better understand the racial context behind the tragedy of Othello it is important to keep in mind the historical complexities that existed in Elizabethan England. Elizabethan vision of foreigners was complex and evolving from the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, engaging with foreigners involved the spiritual and material aspect of life. Margo Hendricks, author of Shakespeare and Race, explains within Elizabethan culture and literature that foreigners were viewed as those implementing a â€Å"process of vulgarization. Elizabethan awareness of foreigners was closely tied to the religious outlook of the world, in which followers of Judaism and Islam were the antithesis of Christians. The difference in religions prompted the same outlook on difference in race. In the beginning, foreigners mostly blacks, were forcefully brought over to Elizabethan England as â€Å"creatures† that possessed little to no rights. However, as time went on they became members of Elizabethan society known as moors. Although they were now members of society, racial integration with whites often clashed, resulting in complex tensions amongst the different races. Many foreigners in Elizabethan England were blacks, according to Diane Abbott, a current British Member of Parliament, in which the sudden rise in number caused Queen Elizabeth I to issue a proclamation complaining about this rise in numbers of blacks in England. For blacks, the aspect of color brought so many negative connotations in the eyes of white Elizabethan Christians that degraded them in Elizabethan society. In this regard, Shakespeare uses the issue of race in Othello, written during Elizabethan times, as one of the main themes in the story represented through characters such as Iago, Brabantio, and others.In the beginning of the play, Iago shares with Roderigo and the audience his intentions of manipulating Othello for his personal gain because Othello passed on Iago as his lieutenant, thus allowing Iago to act a need for revenge based on personal hatred. Before diving into examples illustrating racism in the play it is important to also understand Othello’s backgro und in regards to being a black foreigner in Elizabethan society. Othello, who is the play’s protagonist, is a highly respected general of the Venetian armed forces, although being a â€Å"Moor†, a man of North African descent.Ironically in the play, Othello is therefore presented in some ways opposite to the norms of Elizabethan society. While being a powerful figure and having the respect of his followers, Othello is still subject to racial backlash due to his societal role as a cultural outsider for being a foreigner. Moors, or those of African decent, were seen as second class citizens of Elizabethan society, treated with little respect, and making very little income to help support their families.Othello has to secretly marry Desdemona, a Venetian woman, because he knows not only would Desdemona’s father be opposed to such a marriage between a foreigner and a Venetian, but also society wouldn’t be in favor of it either. This as we see in the play provokes more racial slurs towards Othello, although the love that Desdemona and Othello share for each other is too strong for race to become an issue between them. In the opening act of the play we see Iago, a veteran military man of Venice and the harshest critic of Othello throughout the play, share with Roderigo and the audience his intentions of reve nge against Othello.Here not only do we unravel Iago’s personal hatred for Othello, but Roderigo’s racial views as well. â€Å"What a full fortune does the thick lips owe if he can carry’t thus! † (I, i ,65) Roderigo, who wants to win Desdemona’s love away from Othello at any cost, calls Othello as â€Å"thick-lips†, a racial stereotype of blacks, when responding to Iago about their plans to turn Venetians such as Desdemona’s father Brabantio, against Othello. As Roderigo and Iago go to awake Brabantio in the middle of the night to tell him of the news that Desdemona ran off with Othello to get married, multiple stereotypes and slurs are used in this exchange.Iago tells Brabantio that he’s been â€Å"robbed† of his soul, for Othello has taken Desdemona by some sort of curse, being that there’s no way a prominent Venetian woman would go off to marry a â€Å"barbarian† instead of a Venetian man. â€Å"Because we come to do you service and you think we are ruffians, you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse, you’ll have your nephews neigh to you, you’ll have coursers for cousins and jennets for germans. † ( I, i, 108) Iago, in his conversation with Brabantio, compares Othello to a Barbary horse in Africa.In a most obscene manner, Iago is informing Brabantio of the repercussions in their society if he doesn’t take action against Othello for his daughter is now within â€Å"the gross clasps of a lascivious Moor† (act 1 sc. 1 line 141). The negative connotation of the color black isn’t only viewed in the eyes only Venetians in the tragedy of Othello. In fact, Othello uses the color black as a negative implication as well when he hears from Iago that Desdemona has been unfaithful to him. â€Å" arise, black vengeance, from the hollow hell!†¦ thy crown and hearted throne to tyrannous hate! III, iii, 447) It could be possible that perhaps those in Elizabethan England simply used black and white to mirror bad versus good, dark versus light, and through this view brought the same view of foreigners because of skin color. Brabantio accuses Othello of â€Å"dark magic† as his way of wooing Desdemona, claiming his impurity in forcing his daughter’s willingness in marriage. Whereas many of such derogatory comments about Othello have much irony considering his status as a leader of the Venetian army, at the same time it clearly illustrates the social gap between citizens and foreigners. Regardless of the fact that Othello is a man of power – as is Brabantio being a senator – the view of foreigners is rather a big issue, in this case Brabantio despises Othello for his actions because his view just like many Venetians is that a foreigner with a Venetian brings impurity and disgrace to society. Othello being the black Moor of Venice shows an opposite pattern to the norm of Elizabethan society. While racism can be quite obvious through the language of some characters, it can be interpreted through minor characters as well.In the final act after Emilia sees that Othello has killed an innocent Desdemona, she yells â€Å" O the more angel she, and you the blacker devil! † (V, ii, 132) for believing Iago who was manipulating him the entire time, resulting in killing his innocent wife he much adored. Emilia uses the color as shades of evil, saying that Othello has done something terribly wrong that connects him to the devil. In my opinion, the murder of Desdemona restores order of Elizabethan society, where as Othello having power would disrupt the order of the social hierarchy, bringing chaos and social problems for others.While some determine Othello as the hero of the play, it is important to understand the historical prejudice of blacks from whites in Elizabethan England. My interpretation of the play in regards to the historical background of Elizabethan society leads me to believe Othello was by no means a hero in the play because he was made out to be very gullible in believing Iago’s perceived truth of his wife, causing him to become jealous, heartbroken, and then proceeding by killing his wife with very little evidence that she was actually unfaithful to him.This could bring up questions about whether Shakespeare was in favor of society’s racial prejudice towards blacks, against it, or just simply used it in his work as one of his appeals, although Othello is portrayed sympathetically as an articulate and intelligent man. In my opinion, had Shakespeare been against racism, he would have made the characters in the play that are racist such as Iago seem weak and have him fail his intentions of revenge on the Moor for choosing Cassio over Iago as lieutenant. In this play however, Iago is killed in such a way that makes him look like a martyr, and the real â€Å"hero† of the play.Otherwise, I believe Shakespeare would have made much more emphasis on racism being so derogatory that Othello’s actions would bring positive attitudes from the audience as well as sympathy, while making those that are racist hold major character flaws.Citations in MLA format – Shakespeare, William. Othello. Russ McDonald, 05/01/2001. Hendricks, Margo. Shakespeare and Race. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 2000. Abbott, Diane. â€Å"British History In Depth†. BBC. 2009-11-05 . â€Å"On Race and Religion†. PBS. . How to cite Race in Shakespeare, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Manage Organizational Changes

Question: Describe about manage organizational changes in technology? Answer: Introduction: Mobile technology, the technology focus for restaurants has complete big stride in the direction of mobile platform. According to this new development are seen in loyalty programs, order, compensation etc (Steve Myers, 2013). Developers are increasingly combining this function into a single solution, adding up an extra layer of convenience that is vital to incomplete services restaurants (Phillips, 1983). Looking to generation Z, focus on todays generation kids are more excited when its come to eating and they are eager to try new foods, after they came in certain stages kids even dont want to see their menu they are interested in looking to regular menu (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). Generation Z people are still love to eat pizza, chicken, etc but for todays generation they want more variation on this thing (Marshak, 2005). Pre-ordering food, in this customers order food from online system, because it is easy to deal with the cashier and they also create mobile ordering system which offers incentive like discounts, etc. in many fast food industry they are using this technology for over two years like pizza hut, subway etc are using it. Now a days customers love their mobile device, for fast food industry they first preference is toward their customers. According to today generation people are more dependable on their smart phones, while noticing this thing, industry owner launching a mobile application which will help the customers to order from there mobiles and pay for it with a credit card (Roehr, 2012). Mobile technology is become more popular and customers are enjoying checking a restaurants menu at their own rate and meting out their transaction while on the go. In several cases sometimes, customer visit to fast food restaurant where prepaid order is prepared for pickup. This recent technology has trapped the thought of many consumers to point out and differentiate among restaurants that recommend this option and those who dont and also expand preference for where they obtain fast foods (PeteBrookshaw, 2011). Impacts of new technology on the fast food industry: One of the positive impacts of new technology in fast food industries are mobile technology with the help of this technology they can place the order from online application, they can also pay via through credit card or cash on delivery (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). On the other hand negative impact of new technology is mergers play a very important role in this food chain sometime merges throughout a recession to grip a better share of market and raise in profits (Food, beverage membranes worth US$230mn by 2011, 2006). The mergers extended market share since it create the third largest fast food series in US (Caldwell, 2007). Technological advancement at McDonald: In McDonald technology are playing a vital role in it as well as they drive cost saving and operational effectiveness across the organization. Like for example in McDonald menu McSalads is not a single new thing on their menu apart from that company are also introducing wireless networking, internet terminals, music video etc in their stores. This is because providing their customers more choice and also makes the restaurants more relevant. Company is also introducing BT Open zone wifi hotspots into 561 drive thru stores, web based game for the children etc (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). Their strategy is to satisfy the customers needs while introduce this wifi hotspot they satisfy their business customers so that businessman can easily check there official mail while using the hotspot facilities. Along with that McDonald is hoping to cash in by forming revenue sharing partnership and advertising deals with its internet services providers and equipment providers. Techno science helps to improve customers experience and improve the products (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). Resistance to change: Individual resistance From starting, McDonald is known for their vegetarian product but according to the change in consumer test and preference they see that their product are not sold in the market later on the introducing their non- veg product to satisfy their customers those who prefer non-veg food items (Miettinen, 2005). Group resistance McDonald the company is making chicken items more instead of beef and pork because in America people are love to eat chicken more, apart from that according to the test and preference of Indian customers they come up with the spicy range of product because in India people love to eat spicy foods (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). From employees In McDonalds, employees are fully satisfied because they keep screw their employees above because they do the whole thing in their power to stop us organizing. Employees can also buy foods for half price. From owners/ franchisees Owner of McDonald plan was to visualize their strategy to maintain their brand image on course regardless of how market area might shift (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). From customers McDonald target their kid customer how to satisfy their kid customers for that they come up with the happy meal product inside that product there is a cartoon character which kid will love. Figure: Resistance to change (Anderson Anderson, 2001) Driving forces for changes: In McDonald customers are the driving forces for shaping the future of the food industry, and customer test and preference are keep on changing, and there is basic needs customer should understand by McDonalds so that they are retain in the organization and do not move to the competitor companies (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). Intense competition, there are huge competition in food industry; McDonald needs to have a calm with its competitors and build up new products which are behind the reach of its competitors (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). Restraining forces for changes: Restraining force for changes in customer demand, according to the customer demand McDonald changes their product because their basic needs are to satisfy their customers (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). Another one is competition, McDonald competitors are KFC, Subway. McDonald raising their product quality, so they can bit their competitors product. They come up with huge variety of products like spicy wrap, Mcflot. McMuffin, etc (Dean, 2009). Cost Benefit Analysis: In the context of technological advancement, McDonald has all kind of technological facilities to make sure easy way for its customers to use such as modern machineries to make the rise in production, online facilities etc. McDonald has free life insurance for three years, for store manger they provide free car facilities etc (Kotter, July 12, 2011). Kotters eight step model of changes: In case of McDonald the Kotters eight step model of changes revolves around three phases, such as create a climate for change, engage and enable the whole organization and implementation and sustain change (Fanning, Marsh and Stiegert, 2010). This indicates that the organization is throwing its weight behind product personalization and digital plan as it move onward required changes (Mcdonalds.com, 2015). Figure: Kotters 8 step model of change (Mullins, 2013) Conclusion: Thus to conclude, it is become clear that change is a foreseeable as well as invariable feature. It is an unpreventable element of both communal as well as organisational existence and thus organization like McDonald needs to emphasize on all issue related to incessant change in the long term aspect. It is also the fact that organisation solitarily unable to enlarge or change. It is its stakeholders who settle on the traditions of the organisation as well as who integrate change. The study of manage organization change as a result must have to contemplate on the performance, behaviour as well as usefulness of the change model. Further, there is also requiring appropriate solution to address the resistance to change at every level. References: Anderson, D. Anderson, L.A. (2001).Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Todays Transformational Leaders.PP.56-102 Caldwell, R. (2007). Agency and Change: Re-evaluating Foucault's Legacy.Organization, 14(6), pp.769-791. Dean, C. (2009).RIMER Managing Successful Change PP. 66-78. Fanning, J., Marsh, T. and Stiegert, K. (2010). Determinants of US fast food consumption 1994 1998.British Food Journal, 112(1), pp.5-20. Food, beverage membranes worth US$230mn by 2011. (2006).Filtration Industry Analyst, 2006(9), p.16. Kotter, J. (July 12, 2011).Change Management vs. Change Leadership Whats the Difference?(online).https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_82.htm Accessed on [08 March 2015]. Marshak, Robert J. (2005).Contemporary Challenges to the Philosophy and Practice of Organization Development In Bradford, David L.; Burke, W. Warner.Reinventing Organization Development: New Approaches to Change in Organizations. pp.1942 Mcdonalds.com, (2015).Home :: McDonalds.com. [online] Available at: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/home.html [Accessed 8 Mar. 2015]. Mcdonalds.com, (2015).Home :: McDonalds.com. [online] Available at: https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/home.html [Accessed 8 Mar. 2015]. Miettinen, R. (2005). Epistemic Objects, Artefacts and Organizational Change.Organization, 12(3), pp.437-456. Mullins, J.L. (2013), Management Organizational Behaviour, 10thedition. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall, pp. 690-693 PeteBrookshaw, (2011), Leadership and Management Similarities, (Online) Available at https://www.petebrookshaw.com/2011/07/leadership-and-management.html#.Uz88NvldV1Y accessed on [08March 2015] Phillips, Julian R. (1983). Enhancing the effectiveness of organizational change management.Human Resource Management PP.22(12): 18399. Roehr, B. (2012). US tops salty fast food league table.BMJ, 344(apr17 1), pp.e2769-e2769. Steve Myers, (2013), Leadership and management what is the difference?, (Online) Available at https://www.teamtechnology.co.uk/leadership/management/overview accessed on [08March 2015]

Friday, November 29, 2019

Aol Essays - Diets, Obesity, Dietetics, Nutrition,

Aol Amy Link EIU 4051 Paper 1 The dietary supplement industry is booming. People are striving for a healthier lifestyle, but our vitamins and minerals supplements really needed? The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that those who choose to take these supplements follow the FDA guidelines. There is no scientific proof that these supplements truly help. One of the major supplements we see advertised are products such as Slim Fast and Ensure. Testimonials are used with such products to make people believe they actually work. Do they? Are they healthy? These are two questions that will be answered In order to reduce obesity, most invest in diet and exercise programs. Recently, liquid diets have been positively modified, thus rising in popularity since their fall out during the late 1970s. Out of the twenty million dieters, about one billion dollars will be spent this year on either medically sponsored liquid diets or over-the-counter liquid diet products. Even though many companies claim their diet produces safe and effective weight loss, many medical researches express their concern for various health risk consequences. People whom dont have time to sit down and have a meal, choose to take these nutrition in a can meals to fulfill their daily vitamin and caloric intake. These shakes now come in many flavors, and claim if you dont have the time to eat, just drink one of these shakes. Its not so simple. Doctors do not recommend such meals to healthy people who can eat a balanced diet. These milk shake drinks are only recommended to those people who are bedridden, and cant swallow regular foods. The nutritional value of these supplements arent what they are cracked up to be. An eight-ounce can racks up as many as 250 calories and nine grams of fat, which is what one would find in a regular milkshake. A Slim Fast shake contains the following: Non-fat dry milk. sucrose. whey powder, fructose, dextrose, dutch processed cocoa (In chocolate product), protein isolate, calcium caseinat powdered cellulose, guar gum, corn bran, soy lecithin. carrageenan, soy fiber, natural and artificial flavors. True they provide twelve essential vitamins and seven minerals, but one could get the same effect by popping a multivitamin. Following the RDA guidelines and exercising is a much better choice. If all American were to achieve a normal body weight, it has been estimated that there would be a 3 year increase in life expectancy, 25% less coronary heart disease, and 35% less congestive heart failure and stroke.(Hemphill) Liquid diets are not for everyone; they may be successful for some and not for others. Any kind of dieting requires a highly motivated and disciplined person. The problem with liquid diets is not losing the weight but keeping it off. It has been predicted that for every 100 people who lose weight, 95 will gain it back. These types of diets can also be extremely harmful. Many weight loss experts claim that liquid diets causing rapid weight loss tend to over use lean muscle and slow the metabolism, thus making it even more difficult for weight loss to be maintained. Eventually, liquid diets can lead to the development of muscle cramps, anemia, dizziness, and menstrual abnormality. For obese patients, liquid diets can definitely cause a large amount of weight loss as well as an improvement in health. However, if there is no medical supervision, liquid diet programs can get misused and lead to health risks. Many mild obese patients without medical attention tend to test out various diets trying to find one more successful. However, the more one diets, the slower ones metabolism becomes; therefore, one must eat less in order to maintain ones weight. Since the safety and effectiveness of different products claim various results, it is important for all dieters to seek medical help before starting a liqui d diet. References Body Build Heflin http://www.bodybuild.com Unknown Author (1999). 5 Nutrition Topics that Are Not All Theyre Cracked Up to Be. Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter, 3-4 Slim Fast http://www.SlimFast.com Current Events

Monday, November 25, 2019

Plasma Displays essays

Plasma Displays essays Up until the past couple of years, most televisions have been built around the same technology. This technology is the cathode ray tube. In CRT televisions, a gun fires a beam of electrons into a large glass tube. The electrons send phosphor atoms to an excited state that causes them to light up. They have good images, but they also have one big problem. They take up a lot of space and are very heavy. Now scientists wanted to find a better way to fit a big television in a small room. They came up with the plasma flat panel display. They still come in large sizes, but are only about six inches thick. Plasma televisions illuminate tiny colored fluorescent lights to form an image. Each pixel is made up of three fluorescent lights. A red, green, and blue light. The plasma display varies the intensities of the different lights to produce a full range of colors like the CRT televisions. Plasma is the central element in a fluorescent light. Plasma is a gas made up of free flowing ions. When free electrons are put into the gas, there is an electrical voltage established. The free electrons collide with the atoms, and knock loose other electrons. When an atom loses an electron, it gets a positive charge and becomes an ion. This causes many negatively charged particles and many positively charge particles to rush around the area. While they are all rushing around, particles are constantly colliding with each other. When there is a collision, an atom goes to an exited state. When it drops back to its normal state, it gives off a small amount of energy. The types of atoms used in plasma televisions are xenon and neon. The reason these atoms are used is because they give off light energy. The gases in plasma televisions are contained by tiny cells between two plates of glass. Long electrodes are also positioned between the gases on each side of the cells. The two electrodes are address electrodes and d ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Perception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Perception - Essay Example My father placed the sole blame on me for the situation without considering that there might be external factors at play. His error was that he assumed that I had no good reason for driving fast and he did not understand the situation fully. My father believed that that the accident was a result of my nature as a reckless driver. Due to my active participation in previous classes, I am stereotyped as a very studious person who spends hours studying for courses. It stems from the typical thinking that any person, who takes an interest in their course work and does well, spends day and night pouring over books. I am also a very social person and talk to a lot of different people, so people generally stereotype me as a very outgoing person who spends his nights out partying in clubs with a big group of friends. The only part that is true about those stereotypes is that I do study hard for my courses but I do not spend hours poring over books. I believe in studying smart rather than studying for hours and hours. I am a socially active person but I am not very outgoing and do not spend my nights out partying. I prefer small gatherings and outings with close friends. After analyzing those stereotypes, I think that a few of my friends and acquaintances become biased in their subject of conversation with me. After assuming that I love partying late, they often invite me to go out with them to late running parties. People perceive me to be a social and outgoing guy whose life is in complete order and nothing is out of place. I don’t let my issues or problems show or come up too frequently which had led many people to believe that I am a well-adjusted person. I do have control over this perception and I believe if I open up a little more to people, the perception might change. My past experiences have taught me that people see what they want to see in a person and their perceptive filters are slanted towards what they want to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Marxism of Valentin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Marxism of Valentin - Essay Example For as the play progresses, his inner struggles come to the fore as Molina's character gradually transforms him, influencing Valentin through his romanticism, to be honest with himself. And as he succumbs to Molina's romantic ideals, his typicality is defined as he confesses about Marta "She's upper-class. Pure bourgeoisie. She's got everything. Money, looks, education, freedom... I'm such a hypocrite. Just like all those class-conscious pigs. I must admit, it was convenient. A safe place to stay, when I was forced to hide... Until one day I had to tell her about my other life" (Puig, 63). Perhaps this particular side of Valentin can be regarded as his weakness as their movement demands absolute loyalty. On the contrary, it only proves Valentin's humanity and his capacity for reflection. In my opinion, Molina and Valentin personified Manuel Puig's strongest characters. In Molina, I saw Puig's homosexuality and escapism through films, whereas in Valentin, I saw his Marxist conviction. This is evident in the narration of the film by Molina: But did Puig, as a Marxist, want people to admire Valentin or condemn him Puig has made up Valentin as a fellow Marxist with a substantial amount of political ideals expected of the character, however, I got the impression that Puig wanted people to condemn Valentin. One reason One reason is due to Valentin's belated confession of a mindframe which can prove to be dangerous to the movement, a betrayal to their cause in favor of personal salvation, which was clear when he confided that " I don't deserve to die in this cell. I only confessed some code names they already knew. I can't stand being a martyr. It infuriates me. I don't want to be a martyr - my whole life a mistake" (Puig, 67). Another reason for the condemnation of Valentin is in empathy to the destruction he had wrought on Molina who, after his encounter with Valentin, had a change of ideals when it came to approach, from personal to revolutionary. Molina had sacrificed his finally attained freedom for his love of Valentin only to be mistakenly executed by the movement of his lover. MOLINA: I have a message from Valentin. Are you Lidia YOUNG WOMAN: Yes. Get in. Quick. As Molina reaches for the car door, AN AGENT DIVES AT HIM from behind. AGENT: Get him! As the taxi tears away, the young woman quickly draws a gun and FIRES TWO SHOTS at the agent, he crumples to the pavement. The sharp reports send the bystanders into hysteria. Molina runs off as the other two agents shoot down the street. Molina sprints erratically down a side street. Pedro and another agent are close behind. PEDRO: Stop! Molina -- stop! He fires a warning shot into the air. Pedestrians scatter. The taxi intercepts Molina's path at the end of the street. From inside the car, THE YOUNG WOMAN FIRES THREE SHOTS INTO MOLINA. The taxi speeds off. (Puig, 107-8) The argument present in this paper brought to light our perceptions on the meaning and values embedded in the terms of goodness and the typical. Kiss

Monday, November 18, 2019

Self-Reflection and Self-Allocation of Grade Essay

Self-Reflection and Self-Allocation of Grade - Essay Example This paper includes personal reflection and critical analysis of the submissions in this course. 2. Best Effort among the Submissions I believe that abstract writing and peer reviews can be considered as the best reflections of my research and writing capabilities. These writing tasks bore great outcomes and came up to my personal benchmarks of quality writing. I have written abstracts before but this challenge was met with the personal inclination to research about the techniques that can be used to write comprehensive abstracts. As a result, I was able to organize my abstract into three main parts; introduction, problem statement and solution of the research problem. The abstract also included few lines discussing the purpose of the paper that makes the reader understand the relevance and theme of the research study. Due to the adoption of an organized process, I was able to focus on the quality of the writing rather than worrying about the type of content that needed to be include d. Conducting a peer review was a commendable experience since I learned the art of performing critical analysis of academic writing and got the opportunity to study the work of researchers in the respective domain at a detailed level. The first paper included useful information regarding the implementation of information incident management program; the steps for the program were explained and critically analyzed for the strengths and weaknesses of the content. The techniques to conduct a peer review were studied for the process that reflected in the paper and gave it a professional look. Similarly, the second peer review was also conducted on the same lines that proved to refine the practice of critical analysis. The second paper was based on the challenges that are faced during the implementation of information security management. Both the peer reviews were concluded with useful recommendations that can facilitate improvement of the paper; such recommendations bear great relevan ce in the process of conducting peer reviews. However, one factor that has been missed out from the peer reviews is that of the mention of the authors’ details and the place where this paper was presented. 3. Most Challenging Submission The article writing proved to be the most challenging and difficult submission in the course. The topic of my research was â€Å"The Relation between IM, Information Security and HRM†; all the three aspects of this chosen domain involve extensive research since numerous papers and literature are available for each one of them. The excessive nature of the available literature made me lose focus at few instances during the research process and made me include information that could not prove to be highly relevant for the research topic. The inclusion of too much information proved to make the paper generic in nature to a certain extent rather than focusing on the link of information systems, information security management practices and h uman resource management practices. Meeting the word limit (i.e. 3000 words) of the paper also proved to be a challenge that led to the compromise of the quality of the content. Referencing is an important part of any academic writing process. The article lacked effect usage of in-text referencing at some places. I failed to adopt a critical analytical approach during some steps of the research study, instead ended up producing descriptive details about

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Romantic Poems Of John Keats

The Romantic Poems Of John Keats John Keats was an English Romantic poet who lived during the 19th century. In his short-lived life he faced many ordeals and had to witness death and suffering that shaped him as a poet and reflects in his work. Both of his parents died when Keats was at a young age, his father passed away when the author was only 9 years old. The illness and death of his brother Tom affected him immensely; Keats spent countless hours by Toms bedside and nursed him.  [1]  The author contemplates on death in various ways in connection to nature and love, Keats longs to escape reality and dreams of living in a fantasy. The author explores the fear of death and dying in his poems to the extent of experiencing it himself.   Keats suffered from ill health, the poet supposedly contracted a venereal disease (the theory is supported by the fact that Keats was treated with mercury, that is used to cure syphilis and gonorrhoea) but it might have as well been a respiratory illness. Keats had recovered from his previous illness, but soon he caught a cold that turned into acute tonsillitis. As he suffered from an illness, Toms condition deteriorated, he died in 1818. By 1820 Keats was at the hype of his creation, but soon tragedy appeared. The author experienced the first signs of tuberculosis, the disease that had taken away his mother and brother Tom.  [2]   John Keats met with the Brawne family in 1818, John and the eldest daughter Frances Fanny, of the Brawne family (not to be mistaken for Keats younger sister Frances Keats) developed a love affair and were engaged, but could not marry as to the lack of income on Keatss behalf.  [3]  The poetic and vivid letters by Keats to Fanny provide the reader with an insight into the love story. The lovers were separated when Keats travelled to Italy, Rome to improve his health. But it was too late. John Keats uttered his final words: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Dont breathe on me. It comes like ice remaining poetical till his final breath, Keats died on 23 February 1821 at the age of 25. He died believing himself to be a failure.  [4]   To analyze the relevance of the aspect of death in Keats poetry I have chosen poems and a letter from John Keats. In this essay I will research the imagery of death and how it reflects in John Keatss poetry. The reason for choosing to analyze the poetry of Keats was the previous interest in English literature and the different viewpoint on death that Keats poses in his works, the interest in death and dying captivated me to research and analyze the meaning behind the poems. In Keatss poetry, since he uses imagery and literary devices constantly, there are a lot of aspects to look into and analyze that is why I chose a certain aspect to narrow the topic to make the essay more manageable and to analyze the aspect of death in more depth. My thoughts Death nature Nature captivated Keats as he incorporated it into majority of his works, by connecting nature and the circle of life the author created some of his most famous poems in connection to death. In his poem To Autumn which he wrote in 1819 when he still possessed some strength in him to create one of his most famous piece. My thoughts Personal grief and his reflected in the imagery. Amongst this gloominess he had a love for life, represented by the imaginative style and beauty in his most romantic pieces.  [5]  The poem is full of descriptions that appeal to senses like sight, taste and hearing. One can smell the fume of poppies and hear the bees, until they think warm days will never cease. My thoughts Keats describes autumn as a season of mist and mellow fruitfulness after being inspired by a walk near Winchester.  [6]  It seems as if the season will not come to an end, but in the last stanza the previous joy and colourful description ends. The reader can distinguish the negative connotations that describe the soft-dying day and the end of autumn.  [7]  Keats captures the beauty of dying using vocabulary that indicates the delicate and romantic ideal that Keats thought death to have been, my thoughts as the sun sheds a bloom of rosy hue.  [8]  In this poem Keats combines and contrasts death and life and is able to see the pleasure in something unlikeable, since they both are inevitable and merge into one in life. My thoughts By accepting death Keats turns it into a positive and normal part of life, the poem does not remain overly negative, my thoughts since in the last stanza in the line Think not of them, thou hast thy music too the author welcomes the end of autumn a s he sees something beautiful in the end as well and acknowledges that life and death are in harmony.  [9]   His poem Bright Star that was allegedly written to Frances Fanny Brawne  [10]  , has a frostiness to it, the words à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾star, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾night, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾snow create a feeling of wintriness, that empowers the poem. Still it remains positive since Keats has no repugnance towards death, especially when he is with his loved one. My thoughts The aspect of death is emphasised when Keats brings in a personification in the line à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾the moving waters at their priestlike task, creating an ominous atmosphere. My thoughts The Keats, in his works, has always accepted death sine qua non. kas ladina keelseid v2ljendeid peab ka referensima Death love In his letter to Fanny he says: I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks, your Loveliness and the hour of my death. O that I could have possession of them both in the same minute. The letter Fannys loveliness and his death were the thoughts in his mind. He believed that he could reach fulfillment by dying and having her at the same moment. Keats completed the letter, Yours ever, fair Star. That might be the indication that the poem Bright Star was written to Fanny Brawne.  [11]  Keats wrote Bright Star in 1819 and revised it in 1820.  [12]   In a lot of Keats poems there has been speculations over sexual overtones, for example in Bright Star the author uses the expression to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾swoon to death- an orgasm is often compared to dying (the French term for orgasm is le petit morte- the small death). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Because of its position as the last word in the poem death carries a great deal of weight in the final effect and meaning of the poem.  [13]  It can be considered as a culmination and an abeyance after that. In the Ode to Autumn Keats erects a momentum with à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾to set budding more, and still more that peaks with warm days will never cease and releases itself (with definite sexual undertones) with For Summer has oer-brimmed their clammy cells.  [14]  From the previous examples it can be recognised that John Keats uses love and romantic feelings to form his poems, his usage of literary devices and vocabulary often creates a visual delight for the reader, as the descriptions are vivid and vibrant with life even when describing death. my thoughts Keats has intertwined love and death that formed the essence of him and his creations. He was interested in both of them and even death captivated Keats as much as love. My thoughts In Bright Star Keats expresses his wish to be Pillowed upon my fair loves ripening breast,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ And so live ever -or else swoon to death cite the poem He dreamed of eternity as he was fully content being in one certain moment but as he knew that it would pass, Keats preferred to die rather than leave that particular situation. In Ode to a Nightingale the author admits that for many a time I have been half in love with easeful Death and finds that To cease upon the midnight with no pain à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ In such an ecstasy! it Now more than ever seems it rich to die. Poem quotes These examples show Keats fanaticism towards death. His lover is a fair creature of an hour, poem my thought in his poem When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be, and cannot be for ever poem he thinks of death as the best o r even an enjoyable option for him.  [15]   Death reality vs. fantasy In his theory of Negative Capability Keats says: . . several things dovetailed in my mind, at once it struck me, what quality went to form a Man of Achievement especially in Literature which Shakespeare possessed so enormouslyI mean Negative Capability, that is when man is capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact reasonColeridge, for instance, would let go by a fine isolated verisimilitude caught from the Penetralium of mystery, from being incapable of remaining content with half knowledge. This pursued through Volumes would perhaps take us no further than this, that with a great poet the sense of Beauty overcomes every other consideration, or rather obliterates all consideration. December 21, 27 (?), 1817  [16]   The willingness to remain in doubt is seen in his poetry in Ode to a Nightingale the lines Was it a vision or dream? Fled is that music: Do I wake or sleep?  [17]  form a rhetorical question and confirm that he is capable of being in uncertainties and does not need facts or reason in order to understand or enjoy the situation. My thoughts. Since Keats experienced tragedy in his life, he felt as if poetry was a way to escape  [18]  and go Away! Away! for I will fly to thee, But on the viewless wings of Poesy poem so it appears as if to Keats the migration of birds a positive and beautiful detail connected to the end of Autumn and the idea of escape and fleeing reality. My thoughts The differentiation between reality and fantasy is evident in Bright Star as Keats is willing to be à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Awake for ever in a sweet unrest. The poet accepts that he could die from pleasure, and contrasts the dream and reality that he flees from once again. Keats attributes the qualities of love with something mystical comparing it to faery power as something magical and beautiful but still remaining a fantasy or an illusion. Keats was used to death and as he had experienced so much of it became normality for him, therefore it was difficult for him to believe that he could be happy or feel pleasures of life without them passing by. The expression to pass by appears in many of Keatss poems. my thoughts In Ode of Indolence Keats is certain that Neither poetry, nor Love have any alertness of countenance as the pass by me. Keats by Andrew Motion, page 359, University of Chicago Press, 1999 This leaves the reader an impression as if Keats was only standing by as life passed him, since he could not see anything positive in them at times and it seemed to him as if there was no expressions in poetry or love and therefore Keats could not at times relate to it and only thought of them as a fantasy. My thoughts Death creation and the fear of death It was evident that Keats could not continue with writing much longer due to financial problems and about a year after publishing the poem Ode to Autumn he died. During that time Keats was struggling with his own personal problems. His brother George was in need of money to emigrate to America and he himself could no more afford the lifestyle of a poet.  [19]  Therefore the poem can be interpreted as a final farewell to his creation. Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? he asks, the singing of the birds that are preparing to depart create a melancholy mood that emphasizes the authors reflection of his feelings.  [20]  He might have felt like- since he was ill and had no money to support himself, not to mention the unattainable marriage to Fanny- death was approaching. The fear of dying is reflected in his poems as well, as before the reader could see that Keats was fascinated with death and even considered it to be something positive, he still was afraid of death and dying. In When I Have Fears he admits that I have fears that I may cease to be, Before my pen has gleand my teeming brain, my thoughts not fully achieving his ambitions as a writer  [21]  and that he might die before he could write all he had ever wanted daunted him, as it is common for poets to be afraid of failure. In order to overcome his fears he stands alone, thinks of the relevance of love and fame and the insignificance of a single human being by contrasting himself to the wide world. It gives an effect of loneliness and insinuates to the theme of the poem that is death and fear of dying. In the final two lines Of the wide world I stand alone, and think, Till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink. My thoughts Keats connects the desire for love and fame, that he has to accept are unimportant and to nothingness do sink, to the ceasing of fear and yearning.  [22]   Keats was inspired by Shakespeare and parallels to the existential monologue by Hamlet can be drawn in the poem On Death. Keats contrasts death and life, comparing them to sleep and to a dream. Keats asks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾can death be sleep when life is but a dreamand in Hamlet Shakespeare has posed a question rather similar to of Keats For in that sleep of death what dreams may come. Both authors think of death as something unknown but yet intriguing and possibly something positive and better as the life on earth. He ridicules people and himself who are religious and crave for afterlife and live in the pursuit of it but when it comes down to dying and reaching their dream, they fear death that leads to it since à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾we think the greatest pains to die. Keats contemplates how à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾strange it is that people have to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾lead a life of woe and despair, that a man is made to suffer on earth and only in the afterlife gain bliss and happiness. The last two lines in On Death are addressed on the subject of being able or daring to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾view alone his future doom that is in fact face death. There is a change in the last line of the poem, where Keats compares death to an à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾awakening saying his future doom which is but to awake. The fear of death takes over once again, using negative vocabulary, the words à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾doom, woe, rugged, alone, pain, roam, indicate a dark atmosphere and make the death seem like a final suffering before the awakening. Keats contrasts sleep and being awake by indicating that waking up is something negative as he uses the word doom and as if coming out of the fantasy is like dying. My thoughts The pleasures of life Keats longed to possess were transient and only a visi on as he expresses his thoughts in On Death. But as the author was able to make peace with death it is not the greatest pain, therefore, to die Keats thought of it abnormal for a person to live a life in the veil of tears and walk along the path of woe, even when have seen so much death Keats remained in love with life. His passion towards life and love were overwhelming and reflect in his works and letters. The love affair with Fanny was the evidence of how much passion and love and devotion Keats possessed. Conclusion John Keats was greatly affected by death and since he had to lose many of his loved ones at a young age that made him even more vulnerable and opened to creations. In connection to nature, love and creation, Keats captivates the reader to contemplate on death as he often did. The often extreme examples of the fantasy of dying and living in a dream show how much his short life was full of grief and how Keats was fascinated by death and dying. The author uses vocabulary that helps to create a certain atmosphere or portray an image of what feelings the author wanted to convey to the reader. Keats often fell into extremes by expressing his thoughts on death, his ultimate dream to die and be with his loved one simultaneously and the concept of Negative Capability are examples of his struggle to balance between reality and fantasy. The longing to escape the harsh reality and face the real world seemed like doom for him. His existential thoughts are represented in his works as he accepts de ath as a normal part of life. Keats still remains captivated by dying and death since it is something unknown. His works represent his life and the way he felt and decided to live his short life. My thoughts and previous ideas from sources He had lived, he had loved and he had seen death, but as Keats had wished Here lies one whose name was writ in water to be written on his tombstone.  [23]  It can be considered true that A poet is not at all poetical. He is the most un-poetical thing in existence. He has no identity.  [24]  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay: Parallel Lives of Tom and Boo :: Kill Mockingbird essays

Parallel Lives of Tom and Boo in To Kill A Mockingbird Certain uncanny resemblances between Tom Robinson and Boo Radley's lives exist in Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. Often large groups of people misunderstand certain unusual individuals. Sometimes they stereotype the person; other times, they simply do not bother to find out the truth. When such circumstances occur, the ostracized person's actions become unfairly misinterpreted or not understood at all. Sometimes rumors circulate about the individuals, that might then be assumed as the truth. In this novel, Tom and Boo are both outsiders to the white, normal society of Maycomb county. Tom and Boo share generous natures that are misunderstood; they hold little social value, and are generally assumed guilty. The first parallel in the lives of Tom and Boo, focuses on their property. Tom lives in the "nigger nest" (pg. 175) near to Mr. Ewell but outside the city limits. While testifying Mr. Ewell says, "I've asked this county for fifteen years to clean out that nest down yonder, they're dangerous to live around 'sides devaluin' my property (pg. 175)". A person's status often relates to his property, and the interpretation of that property's value is often based on the tenants of the land. In Maycomb county, the black community inhabits the least desirable property. In the Jim Crow era, blacks were stereotyped as violent and unclean; therefore, the property they owned was considered unvaluable and was located in the worst part of the county territory. On the other hand, the people in the "best" part of town are always white and upper class members of society. Mr. Ewell lives directly next to the town dump, yet he considers the blacks that he lives near a larger threat to his land's value th an the appearance and stench of the city's trash. Most people in the better parts of town might even agree with him because they assume that the black people are a constant menace to white society, and being near them endangers one's life. The Radley property also threatens the lives of people brave enough to venture near it. The children believe that anything that comes from the Radley's soil is poisoned, including the nuts and fruits on the trees. Jem yells at Scout once saying about the Radley property: "Don't you know you're not supposed to even touch the house over there?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kraft Foods Board of Directors Essay

Reviewï ¼Å¡ Kraft Foods Inc. is a global snacks powerhouse with an unrivaled portfolio of brands people love. The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of Kraft Foods Group, Inc. will discharge the Board’s responsibilities relating to compensation for executives and independent directors. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Committee will have full access to all of Kraft’s books, records, facilities and personnel. The Committee will also have the authority to conduct investigations and to retain independent counsel and advisers, as it determines necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities, including sole authority to engage, retain, approve fees and other retention terms of, and terminate compensation consultants. ————————————————- HP’s Board of Directors Name/Title| Current Board Membership| Ralph V. Whitworth, 57Independent Non-Executive Chairman| Sovereign Bank, Na (pennsylvania), Hewlett-packard Co.| Meg Cushing Whitman, 57President, Chief Executive Officer & Director| Hewlett-packard Co., Zipcar, Inc., The Nature Conservancy, Inc., Teach For America, Inc., Zaarly, Inc., Procter & Gamble Co.| Marc L. Andreessen, 41Independent Director| Tinyco, Inc., Zend Technologies, Inc., Glam Media, Inc., Kno, Inc., Ebay, Inc., Stanford Hospital & Clinics, Hewlett-packard Co., Hewlett-packard Development Co. Lp, Facebook, Inc., Skype Sarl, Tidemark Systems, Inc.| Ann M. Livermore, 54Director| Hewlett-packard Co., United Parcel Service, Inc., Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital| Rajiv Lochan Gupta, 67Lead Independent Director| Hewlett-packard Co., Information Resources, Inc., Avantor Performance Materials, Inc., Stroz Friedberg Llc, The Vanguard Group, Inc., Delphi Automotive Llp, Affle Pte Ltd., Tyco International Ltd., The Conference Board, Inc., Delphi Automotive Plc| Shumeet Baner ji, 53Independent Director| Hewlett-packard Co.| Gary M. Reiner, 58Independent Director| Hewlett-packard Co., Box, Inc., Norwalk Health Services Corp., Appirio, Inc., The Norwalk Hospital Association| Patricia F. Russo, 60Independent Director| Alcoa, Inc., General Motors Co., Kkr Management Llc, Kkr & Co. Lp, Hewlett-packard Co., Merck & Co., Inc., The Partnership For A Drug-free America, Inc.| Ray J. Lane, 66Lead Independent Director| Alertenterprise, Inc., Spikesource, Inc., Virsa Systems, Inc., Visible Path Corp., Xsigo Systems, Inc., Elance, Inc., Hewlett-packard Co., Special Olympics, Inc., Greatpoint Energy, Inc., Ausra, Inc., Quest Software, Inc., Kenandy, Inc., Carnegie Mellon University, Enigma, Inc., Hara Software, Inc., West Virginia University, Luca Technologies, Inc., Think North America, Mevio, Inc.| Reviewï ¼Å¡ HP announced changes to its board of directors. Raymond J. Lane has decided to step down as chairman of the board, to be replaced on an interim basis by Ralph V. Whitworth. The board is commencing a search for a permanent nonexecutive board chairman. In addition, John H. Hammergren and G. Kennedy Thompson, after eight and seven years of service to HP stockholders, respectively, have decided to leave the board. Both directors will continue to serve until the May board meeting. The board is commencing a search for two or more new independent directors. This news release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If such risks or uncertainties materialize or such assumptions prove incorrect, the results of HP and its consolidated subsidiaries could differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements and assumptions. ———————————— ————- Macy’s Board of Directors Name/Title| Current Board Membership| Terry J. Lundgren, 61Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer| Macys, Inc., National Retail Federation, Procter & Gamble Co., The Partnership For New York City, Kraft Foods Group, Inc., Federal Reserve Bank Of New York| Steven F. Bollenbach, 70Independent Director| Time Warner, Inc., Ludwig Institute For Cancer Research Ltd., Los Angeles World Affairs Council, Mondelez International, Inc., Macys, Inc., Kb Home| Craig E. Weatherup, 67Independent Director| Macys, Inc., Starbucks Corp.| Sara L. Levinson, 62Independent Director| Macys, Inc., Harley-davidson, Inc., Cmi Marketing, Inc.| Joseph L. Neubauer, 71Independent Director| The Jewish Theological Seminary Of America, The Barnes Foundation, The University Of Chicago, Catalyst, Inc., Macys, Inc., Verizon Communications, Inc., Aramark Refreshment Services Llc, The Horatio Alger Association Of Distinguished Americans, Aramark Holdings Corp.| Paul C. Varga, 49Independent Director| Brown-forman Corp., Macys, Inc.| Marna Cupp Whittingt on, 65Independent Director| Macys, Inc., Oaktree Capital Group Llc, Phillips 66| Meyer Feldberg, 71Independent Director| New York City Ballet, Inc., Managed High Yield Plus Fund, Inc., Global High Income Fund, Inc., Macys, Inc., Revlon, Inc., Strategic Global Income Fund, Inc.| Deirdre P. Connelly, 52Independent Director| Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers Of America, Macys, Inc., Human Genome Sciences, Inc.| Joyce M. Rochà ©, 66Independent Director| Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., Tupperware Brands Corp., Macys, Inc., Association Of Governing Boards Of Universities & Colleges, Dillard University, At&t, Inc.| Review: Managing a nation-wide retail business requires a team of committed, talented and experienced executives. Macy’s stores and direct-to-customer business compete with many retailing formats in the geographic areas in which they operate, including department stores, specialty stores, general merchandise stores, off-price and discount stores, new and established forms of home shopping (including the Internet, mail order catalogs and television) and manufacturers’ outlets, among others. In addition to competing with these other retailers for customers, Macy’s also must compete very aggressively for executive talent. These talented executives are accountable for the performance of the business units they manage and are compensated based on that performance.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ableism Essays

Ableism Essays Ableism Essay Ableism Essay Each day for approximately six years was a hardship because I was so uncomfortable with myself and what kind of person I displayed myself to be. Living life under such a pressure and fear, I truly did feel disabled, as if I was missing some piece of normality which most people were born with and took advantage of. After several failed counseling sessions with psychologists and psychiatrists, I decided to take control of my own future and force the change that needed to take place In my life. With the Incredible faith of my family and friends, I overcame that feat which caused me to feel a much stronger sense of self and will. Looking back I feel gratified to have gone through such a life-changing ordeal. Although I did feel disabled and weak while in the long process toward recovery, now that Im recovered I feel even stronger than the average person who hasnt gone through a similar experience. A lesson to acknowledge from my experience is that as disabled people may look or feel significantly weak or unable to support a normal lifestyle, they often prove to be stronger mentally and emotionally if they manage to obtain some sort of victory through their plight. Besides the various forms of obsessive-compulsive disorders and varying learning disabilities, my consciousness of babbles Is not terribly significant. I have never had anyone close to me suffer from serious, debilitating physical traumas besides your run-of-the-mill broken bone. At first glance this fact may be thought of as fortunate, however, there is no doubt that if Id ever had a significant other with visible, developmental disabilities my perspective of babbles would be dramatically altered. My housemate Theresa grew up in a home with mentally disabled adults. Theresa is not mentally disabled. Threshers mother devotes her career and home fostering people of lower to higher functioning levels below the average range. Theresa confided in me observations concerning babbles. Her friends and schoolmates would tell Theresa they felt uncomfortable and awkward going to her house because of the mentally disabled adults living in her home. She didnt understand why people had such Issues communicating with the disabled and says, They should Just get over It! Theresa mentioned the mother of one disabled member living In her home ho Is fully dependent on Threshers mom for the full time care of her offspring, excluding finances. I agree with Theresa in that I dont understand why people could feel so estranged Trot ten realties AT dawdles. I nose are real people Adorn walkout ODL t II less most TA for granted. I suppose if one is not open to what life could be like living with physical or mental incapacity then they remain closed and estranged to ever communicating the truth about what babbles means or stands for. Babbles simply focuses on what able people miss and generally dont acknowledge about those with blatant disabilities.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The essay of life Essay Example

The essay of life Essay Example The essay of life Essay The essay of life Essay I make sure that I always use a dictionary as a reference and that makes It easier to proceed to the next sentence. In addition to that, I write down the Important events and highlight the words and characters. I also proofread my paper to ensure it is error free. In order to write a good essay or paper, it is necessary to be in a peaceful environment to avoid distractions. Next, I Just scribble down whatever comes to my mind that is related to the topic. After a while, I would read what Eve written and hose the Ideas that would have good points and would be Interesting to write about. Then, I would make my first draft and after finishing It, Id read It all over again and do the editing until Im satisfied with what Eve written. One of my greatest strengths as a writer is that I am extremely careful concerning details and I always show great attention them. However, being carried away by my emotions is one of my weaknesses. In order to help me understand and remember what I read, I make sure that I always use a dictionary as a reference and that makes it easier to proceed to he next sentence. In addition to that, I write down the important events and highlight the words and characters. I also proofread my paper to ensure It Is error free. Choose the Ideas that would have good points and would be interesting to write choose the ideas that would have good points and would be interesting to write and do the tattled until Im satisfied with what Eve written. One of my greatest about. Then, I would make my first draft and after finishing it, Id read it all over again highlight the words and characters. I also proofread my paper to ensure it is error weaknesses.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Starbucks Strategy and Internal Initiatives to Return to Profitable Essay

Starbucks Strategy and Internal Initiatives to Return to Profitable Growth - Essay Example Starbucks also seeks to make the company a comfortable and a great place to work. This maintains employee satisfaction at Starbucks, which is done via offering its staff competitive wages, as well as benefits packages that include an option on stocks. Starbucks has been faced with many challenges that have seen its strategy evolve. Starbucks has been faced with many challenges that have seen its strategy evolve. Q. 1) What was Howard Schultz’s original strategic vision for Starbucks? Is his 2010 strategic vision for Starbucks different from the one he had in the 1980s? How many times has his strategic vision changed? Is his present strategic vision likely to undergo further evolution? Howard Schultz’s original plan for Starbucks involved the creation of an Italian style â€Å"espresso bar† retail chain, which would also sell coffee related equipment and the coffee beans, as well as expand the corporation out of Pacific Northwest, inclusive of Chicago (Shah & Thompson, 2010). Schultz envisioned the use of top quality dark roasted coffee beans. Customers could come to the bar to pursue a perfect cup of coffee, getting a worthwhile experience out of it. He also aimed to create a company that would make employees proud of it. Schultz revised the strategy in the 1990’s to add food items to the menu at Starbucks. This led to the growth of new channels of distribution for Starbucks’ products. Additionally, the vision also included the expansions of Starbucks Corporation into foreign markets and institute global branding (Shah & Thompson, 2010). The Starbucks logo was also changed to green from brown in order to symbolize Il Giornale merger with Starbucks, which created the espresso bar and the retail coffee bean store. These stores have become the signature of Starbucks Corporation.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business Research Methods Part 3 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Research Methods Part 3 - Term Paper Example Another potential challenge lies in data collection and analysis. Sometimes the data might be outdated or the researcher may not be able to collect comprehensive data to carry out research. Another challenge is to prioritize and filter information from the data – both qualitative and quantitative. The researcher needs to abandon redundant information and include only those which are relevant to his or her research (Sittig et al, 2008). There may be several methods which a researcher may employ in order to reduce the challenges and increase the authenticity of data used in research. Here the researcher has conducted both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the healthcare dilemma in American households. One of them is to involve iterative methods and the refinement and development of analogies, typologies and other methods to analyze data (Fitzpatrick & Boulton 1996). This is extremely important especially when qualitative methods of data collection are employed. The researcher may be biased or the participants may be biased in providing their observations and answers. Hence, conducting iteration is one way to reduce such bias in data analysis. Another way to authenticate and validate the data collected in research is to properly prioritize and sort out the data.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Summary of an article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Summary of an article - Essay Example This transfer mechanism is important to the researchers due to the fact that understanding transfer will help to answer several pertinent questions. The first of these relate to whether violent video games have the implied drawback of encouraging violence. Similarly, by studying transference models, the researcher can determine if flight simulation helps develop cockpit skills in pilots. In essence, the level of transference of specific skill sets that are supposedly â€Å"taught† in various video games will be helpful understanding the net positive or net negative relationships that may or may not exist. The analysis found, not surprisingly, that the same concepts of collaboration, interaction, tactile learning, exploratory interest, and individuality as they relate to the game playing experience. Whereas many individuals are prone to view the video game as a total escape mechanism, the researchers were able to convincingly prove that it is and has been used as a means to foster intra human communication via linked players or via those that interact with the process while in the room yet not playing the game themselves. Furthermore, the level of bonding and exploration that occurred while the researchers were conducting their study helped them to make a direct link between the children that were involved in the process and the traditional understanding of the word â€Å"play†. Likewise, there was not the clear break between in game and in world realities as the researchers at first expected; rather, both realities incorporated unique elements of one another to create a combined effect that could neither be turned on or turned off once the game was complete. As one might expect, the levels of meaning and interaction levels of transference that exist are therefore dependent upon the individual

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Betting Shop computer investigation Essay Example for Free

Betting Shop computer investigation Essay The task given to me for the following essay was: Assume you have been called in to investigate suspected incidences of computer crime enacted through the computer system at a local betting office. Describe how you would conduct the search and seizure operation. Also explain why you would conduct the operation in the manner you describe. Keywords: Electronic, Evidence, Investigation, Computers, Seizure, Forensic, Computing Introduction I was recently given the task of Head of Forensic Computing Investigation into Operation Gamble. Operation Gamble had been in place for over 12 weeks, in this time it had become obvious that there was every possibility that some kind of computer crimes were being committed on a everyday basis. This job entails making sure that nothing is overlooked, that everything is done in a methodical manner, everything needs logging in one way or another. There are many things to think about , and many that need acting upon, decisions often need to be made on site at the time of the search. Hopefully this essay will inform the reader of a little knowledge into the world of forensic computing investigation. Also that it will become clear that the successful prosecution of offenders means that the investigation must be done thoroughly from start to finish. ACPO state there are 4 principles that should be adhered to at all times, so when reading this must be took into consideration. The four principles are as follows:- Principle 1: No action taken by law enforcement agencies or their agents should change data held on a computer or storage media which may subsequently be relied upon in court. Principle 2: In exceptional circumstances, where a person finds it necessary to access original data held on a computer or on storage media, that person must be competent to do so and be able to give evidence explaining the relevance and the implications of their actions. Principle 3: An audit trail or other record of all processes applied to computer based electronic evidence should be created and preserved. An independent third party should be able to examine those processes and achieve the same result. Principle 4: The person in charge of the investigation (the case officer) has overall responsibility for ensuring that the law and these principles are adhered to. Ruth Suttons investigation into a local betting shop. Firstly I was called into the office and was allocated a new case, which involved investigating a betting shop that may have been involved in some kind of fraud or computer misuse. I wasnt given any information in detail. Without having much detailed information I have to prepare the investigation as though I am looking for every kind of electronic crime there is. With an open mind it makes the investigation much more through and lengthy, maybe turning up more clues to what has been occurring in this particular establishment. Also as I have been put in charge of this investigation I make sure that all staff that had been drafted in to help with this investigation had the expertise to do so, they all needed to be aware how volatile forensic data is, how easily evidence can be lost, changed, or altered and therefore inadmissible in court. If I were to be given this case and was previously made aware that it was child pornography that I was looking for this would set my mind thinking, and turning into the direction of looking for not only images but perhaps photography equipment, chat logs, email, internet usage logs. On the other hand it is a much different case for fraud. Accounting would be looked into address books, credit card data, calendars, credit card skimmers, the list just goes on and on. Having no idea could turn up more things as child porn can often be attached to a ring, perhaps in that ring credit card fraud is being used to purchase entry to child porn sights, so with my open mind and that of my colleagues I start my investigation. Within the ACPO (Association Of Chief Police Officers) guidelines there are 4 stages that are involved in gaining forensic evidence. They are: 1. Acquiring the evidence 2. Identifying the evidence 3. Evaluating any evidence found 4. Presenting the evidence. For the purposes of my investigation in fact all forensic computing investigations, the first 3 rules are paramount as they all rely upon each other being performed correctly. Although it must be said if any of the rules are not followed correctly this wouldnt even get as far as the presenting Evidence rule, as there could be no successful prosecution. Preparation Knowing this is a retail betting shop, the first decision to be made is the time that we will serve our warrant to search the premises. After not much deliberation it is decided to carry out the search before opening time, I was aware that the manager opened up every morning at 8am so meeting him as he opened up would be the best policy. The reason for this decision is that with less staff and no customers there would be less chance of anyone being able to tamper with any networks, data, or any other relevant evidence. In the past it has been known for one member of staff to distract an investigator, while another removes vital evidence. As time went on 3 other members of staff arrived for work, they were all taken aside and asked details of what there job involved, where there individual workstation was and any usernames, passwords or encryption keys that may be relevant to the case. On Entry On entry it was most important to visually identify anything that could be possible evidence. The following items were identified and noted down: 1. Computer 2. Laptop 3. Usb stick 4. Digital camera 5. Printer 6. Scanner 7. Mobile Phones 8. Cds Dvds 9. PDA All these items could be relevant in gaining evidence as they all may contain relevant data. My reasons for each item were as follows: 1. Computer This is obvious that looking for forensic data the desktop computer could hold lots of evidence. 2. Laptop Same reasons as above. 3. Usb Stick This could also contain data. 4. Digital Camera may contain images or even files of any data 5. Printer Printers have their own memory now so this could contain much needed evidence. 6. Scanner May have been used to scan fraudulent documents (if there is any damage or imperfections to the glass this could show that a particular document was created with its use. 7. Mobile Phones Mobile phones have own operating system, could contain not only contacts but also images, files, and time logs etc, lots of relevant data. 8. Cds Dvds Another item that could contain lots of data. 9. PDA This like a mobile phone has its own operating system and could be used to store relevant data, contacts, time logs etc. Before any searches in drawers or anything was moved the whole area was photographed, picturing where all the above items were exactly in relation to the shop. This is done to document the evidence in a visual manner, that can be looked at after things have been moved to unsurface perhaps more clues, for example If a computer mouse was sitting on the left hand side of the desk, perhaps the manager is right handed so it could lead to a clue that perhaps a left handed member of staff uses that desk, which the computer is sitting on. Photographs were taken of the computer screen as it was on and had the user names on it, this was also documented by text. The computer felt quite warm so this could give clues as to whether it had been left on overnight or perhaps used before we had gained entry to the premises. Photographs were also taken of all the cables at the back of the computer, so as reconstructing at a later stage would be easier, also the cables were labelled. The desktop computer was then switched off by removing the power from the computer not the wall socket. The laptop was the next item to be dealt with, it was switched off so removal of the battery was next. Next a search took place which would involve looking in drawers, cupboards etc. The items I was looking for were: 1. Any paper work that may give some clues to any passwords that may have been used 2. Memory Cards 3. Credit card Skimmers 4. Address books 5. Appointment cards/books 6. GPS SAT NAV equipment 7. CCTV footage Most of these items were found lurking in and around the vicinity of the desk where the desktop computer was located, other than the CCTV footage that was located in the DVD recorder next to the kitchen door. The DVD recorder contained a DVD- rw (DVD re- writable), which was left in place until also photographed and noted while in situ. The rest of the items were subsequently photographed and logged before anything else was done. The reasons for seizing these items were as follows: 1. Paperwork passwords, contacts etc. 2. Memory Cards Data, Images 3. Credit card skimmers Evidence in itself or even more so if there is data contained on the magnetic strip. 4. Address books Contacts 5. Appointment cards/books verify evidence of suspects whereabouts 6. GPS SAT NAV Travel logs, previous places visited 7. CCTV Evidence to say who has been in the premises, and when as the camera will have its own time logs. The manger was then asked a few questions about any passwords or encryption keys he may have been aware of, this was done to try and gain any extra information regarding passwords, encryption etc, as this could all save time when it comes to imaging and gaining access to files. All the questions and answers were noted down in a methodical manner. Seizing the evidence The decision was made by myself to take the equipment, rather than live image at the suspected crime scene, as there was no network, wireless or otherwise, I felt this was the best decision to make as the imaging could be done under labatory conditions. Also as there was quite an amount of electronic data that would need to be imaged, this would take far too long and would not be efficient to do so. Although it is seen best for the raw electronic data to be accessed least as possible due to its volatile nature, this would only have to be done the once in the lab, once imaged they actual items (pc, laptop) would not need to be handled again as the image would be an exact copy. Fingerprinting would need to be done, but this could not occur until all equipment had been imaged, as the chemicals used can be destructive The laptop was known to have Bluetooth capability, and wifi so this had to be put into a shielded box, so as that it could not receive any signals from anywhere else. The mobile phone and PDA were treated in the same manner. The boxes were tagged and everything noted so as to start the chain of evidence for these items. All that had to be done now was to actually bag up all the evidence. This has to be done and sealed in anti static bags, and all written down in a methodical manner. This was done item by item individually as each item was tagged and bagged it had to be logged in a chain of evidence. This took quite a long time but this job cannot be rushed, as anything missed could be fatal to a prosecution. Next was the issue of transportation, this would need to be done strategically so as not to damage any possible data evidence. These would have to be kept away from any magnetic fields, e. g. speakers, radios etc, so they were removed with a van that had storage boxes within so as the seized equipment would not get too warm, cold, or anything else happen to them. Evaluating the Evidence This is where the real investigation continues, and where more light may be shed on the situation concerning electronic data found. Encase was used to image the hard drive of the desktop computer and laptop, and various other software was used for the acquisition of the other electronic items. Once imaged work would begin on searching labouredly through the data. To finish this investigation could take quite a few man-hours, as there is so much data to work through. Now is when this case is turned over to the other specialists that I work alongside. Conclusion Alas my work has ended now in this case as I have finished my job of searching the crime scene and seizing the evidence, after a full week of preparation before the actual search, I am quite pleased with the result. I am no clearer about any crimes that were or may have been committed, but hopefully due to myself carrying out the investigation thoroughly I have led the way for a successful prosecution to go ahead. References :- National hi-tech crime unit (2008) The ACPO Good Practice Guide for Computer-Based Electronic Evidence www. acpo. police. uk/asp/policies/Data/gpg_computer_based_evidence_v3. pdf [accessed 05/05/2008]. Computer Crime: ACPO Guidelines (2008) http://www. dataclinic. co. uk/computer-ACPO. htm [accessed 07/05/08].

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effect of Demographics on the Choice of Investments

Effect of Demographics on the Choice of Investments It has been observed that over the last decade the Income of the third world countries such as India, China and Indonesia has grown at a high pace. As the wealth of the people increases they will have confidence in the markets and start investing in financial products. This research paper deals with the investment decisions of all individuals across different income groups, age, gender etc. and tries to identify the affect of demographic factors on the decision making investors The study aims to find out if the demographic factors of an individual namely his age, income, gender, savings, source of income and investment experience have any effect on the patterns of investment and hence affect his risk taking ability. Advanced quantitative techniques have been used to investigate the data and judgment has been given on the basis of statistical output. The results would help the managers in the Wealth Management process in advising their clients better regarding investments that are most suitable according to their demographics and personality type. The study provides evidence that the investment choice depends on and is affected by the demographic variables. Introduction India, China and Brazil showed the highest growth in the number of HNIs in the year 2007 (The world wealth report 2008). The growth in the exposure that these markets have still remains untapped as they have only 3 percent exposure to equities. As the wealth of the people increases they will have confidence in the markets and start investing in financial products. In the 1970s and early 1980s, researchers found enough evidences that the markets are efficient and investment decisions are taken rationally. However, over a period of time there have been major challenges to the rationality assumption. Such challenges, coming from behavioral finance, continue to advance the argument that the traditional finance theorys predictive power is no match to what investors observe and experience in the markets, in reality. Behavioral finance is a new emerging science that exploits the irrational behavior of the investors. According to the behavioral economists, individuals do not function perfectly as the classical school opines. Weber (1999) makes the observation, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Behavioral finance closely combines individual behavior and market phenomena and uses the knowledge taken from both psychological field and financial theoryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The key result of a behavioral finance-enhanced relationship will be a portfolio to which the advisor can comf ortably adhere while fulfilling the clients long-term goals. This result has obvious advantages which suggests that behavioral finance will continue to play an increasing role in Wealth Management The study aims to find out if the demographic factors of an individual namely his age, income, gender, savings, source of income and investment experience have any effect on the patterns of investment and hence affect his risk taking ability. Quantitative techniques shall be used to investigate the data and the decision will be given on the basis of the analysis. The results would help the people involved in the Wealth Management process in advising their clients better regarding investments that are most suitable according to their demographics and personality type. Objective The objective of this paper is to investigate how the investment choice is affected by the demographics of the investors, once we study the choice effecting variables, we will use past data and monitor what have been the returns achieved from such proportion of investments and we shall determine the ideal portfolio and mix in the portfolio. Such knowledge will be highly useful for financial advisors as it will help them to advise their clients regarding investments that are appropriate with respect to their demographic profiles. Literature review A number of studies have been conducted to study how risk tolerance varies with the individual demographics, such as, gender, age, education, income, etc. Most of these studies have, however, concentrated on exploring the gender differences in investment choice. Harlow and Keith (1990) found that women prefer low risk bets when asked to make choices in an experimental market environment, involving auctions and lotteries (Olsen and Cox, 2001). Experimental evidence suggests that women may be more risk averse towards gamble (Hershey and Schoemaker, 1980). Large-scale one-on-one attitude surveys by the Investment Company Institute and SRI International in the year 1996 and 1997 respectively, also revealed that women tend to prefer lower risk assets than men. (Olsen and Cox, 2001). Women hold less risky assets than men (Jianakoplos and Bernasek, 1998) and they also choose less risky alternatives (Powll and Ansic, 1997). Women exhibited less risk-taking behavior than men in their most recent, largest and riskiest mutual fund investment decisions (Dwyer et al., 2002). Women are more risk averse than men in gambles, investment frames with possibility of loss and gamble frame with no losses (Eckel and Grossman, 2003). Brynes and Miller (1999) have studied and investigated the relationship between risk and gender and concluded that women tend to take less risk than men (Olsen and Cox, 2001). Women are less likely to invest in riskier but high return assets than men (Mc Donald, 1997). However, the empirical investigation of gender difference in risk taking is inconclusive (Charness and Gneezy, 2004). While most research conducted prior to 1980 concluded that gender difference clearly exists, more recent research studies yield mixed results (Changanti and Parasuraman, 1996; and Powell and Ansic, 1997). Males and females are equally successful in taking decisions under conditions of risk (Hudgen and Fatkin, 1985). They are equally effective in the leadership role (Eagly et al., 1995) and are equally capable of processing and reacting to information (Stinerock et al., 1991). As businessmen/women, many studies have found similar level of performance for women-owned business as those which are owned by men (Kalleberg and Leicht, 1991; and Fischer et al., 1993). In an abstract lottery choice, Schubert et al. (2000) framed choices as either potential gain, or potential loss. They found that women are more risk averse than men in domain of gain, while men are more risk averse than women in the frame of loss domain. Women fund mangersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ both domestic and internationalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ hold portfolios which are marginally riskier than those of men, and their returns also outperform those of men (Bliss and Potter, 2001). Women were found to be less risk averse than men when the gambles were framed as insurance (Duda et al., 2004). Although, the impact of gender on risk taking is significantly weakened when investor knowledge of financial markets and investments is controlled in the regression equation, the greater level of risk aversion among wome n, which is frequently documented in the literature, cannot be completely, explained by knowledge disparities (Dwyer et al., 2002). In the Indian context, Gupta (www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/bandhk/1118105.html) has indicated that from the angle of investor protection, the regulation of the new issue market is important for several reasons. The number of small investors in new issue market is massive. Most of new investors make their first entry into equity investments via the new issue market. So retaining common investor confidence in primary markets is important. Madhusoodan (www.nyse.com/press/NT00545421.html) has indicated that in the Indian stock market, higher risk is not priced, hence investment in higher risk instruments is of no use. Kakati (www.investorclaims.com/html/bokermisconduct.html) has indicated that Indian IPOs are under priced in the short run and overpriced in the long run. Selling after allotment, around the listing month, is the cause of major return differences between IPOs performance in the short run and long run. Gokaran has studied the financing patterns of the corporate growth in the country. The study indicated that equity markets suffer serious inadequacies as a mechanism for raising capital. Murali (www.ssrn.com) has indicated that new issues market (NIM) focuses on decreasing information asymmetry, easy accessibility of capital by large sections of medium and small enterprises, national level participation in promoting efficient investments, and increasing a culture of investments in productive sector. In order that these goals are achieved, a substantial level of improvement in the regulatory standards in India at the voluntary and enforcement levels is warranted. The most crucial steps to achieve these goals would be to develop measures to strengthen the new issues market. To effectively and efficiently serve clients in todays competitive industry, financial planners increasingly rely on information technology. The larger the financial planning firm, the more critical the use of information technology becomes as its applications extend to areas outside financial planning such as payroll, accounting, marketing, and operations. This article proposes the establishment of a new research discipline, financial planning informatics, which focuses on the development of technology tools to support the unique needs of financial planners. We live in the information age. Information is the result of processing, manipulating, and organizing data in a way that creates new knowledge (Rahman 2006). A number of studies have been conducted to study how risk tolerance varies with the individual demographics, such as, gender, age, education, income, etc (Schooley Worden, 1996; Shaw, 1996; Xiao Noring, 1994; Watson and Naughton, 2007). Most of these studies have, however, concentrated on exploring the gender differences in investment choice. The impact of other demographic factors, such as, age, education, income, occupation and dependents on investment choice has not been investigated by many researchers. But whatever studies have been done suggest that they (other demographic factors) affect individuals investment decisions. Risk tolerance, a persons attitude towards accepting risk, is an important concept which has implications for both financial service providers and consumers. For the latter, risk tolerance is one factor which may determine the appropriate composition of assets in a portfolio which is optimal in terms of risk and return relative to the needs of the individual (Droms, 1987). In fact, the well-documented home country bias of investors may be a manifestation of risk aversion on the part of investors (see Cooper, and Kaplanis, 1994 and Simons, 1999). For fund managers, Jacobs and Levy (1996) argue that the inability to effectively determine investor risk tolerance may lead to homogeneity among investment funds. Further, Schirripa and Tecotzky (2000) argue that the standard Markowitz portfolio optimization process can be optimised by pooling groups of investors together with different attitudes to risk into a single efficient portfolio that maintains the groups average risk tolerance. Although a number of factors have been proposed and tested, a brief survey of the results reveals a distinct lack of consensus. First, it is generally thought that risk tolerance decreases with age (see Wallach and Kogan 1961; McInish 1982; Morin and Suarez 1983; and Palsson 1996) although this relationship may not necessarily be linear (see Riley and Chow 1992; Bajtelsmit and VanDerhai 1997). Intuitively this result can be explained by the fact that younger investors have a greater (expected) number of years to recover from the losses that may be incurred with risky investments. Interestingly, there is some suggestion that biological changes in enzymes due to the aging process may be responsible (see Harlow and Brown, 1990). More recent research however, reveals evidence of a positive relationship or fails to detect any impact of age on risk tolerance (see Wang and Hanna 1997; Grable and Joo 1997; Grable and Lytton 1998, Hanna, Gutter and Fan, 1998; Grable 2000, Hariharan, Chapman a nd Domian, 2000; and Gollier and Zeckhauser, 2002). A second demographic which is frequently argued to determine risk tolerance is gender and Bajtelsmit and Bernasek (1996), Palsson (1996), Jianakoplos and Bernasek (1998), Bajtelsmit, Bernasek and Jianakoplos (1999), Powell and Ansic (1997), and Grable (2000) find support for the notion that females have a lower preference for risk than males. Grable and Joo (1999) and Hanna, Gutter and Fan (1998) however, find that gender is not significant in predicting financial risk tolerance. Education is a third factor which is thought to increase a persons capacity to evaluate risks inherent to the investment process and therefore endow them with a higher financial risk tolerance (see Baker and Haslem, 1974; Haliassos and Bertaut, 1995; Sung and Hanna, 1996). Shaw (1996) derives a model which suggests an element of circularity in this argument however, as the relative risk aversion of an individual is shown to determine the rate of human capital acquisition. Income and wealth are two related factors which are hypothesised to exert a positive relationship on the preferred level of risk (see Friedman 1974; Cohn, Lewellen, Lease and Schlarbaum 1975; Blume 1978; Riley and Chow 1992; Grable and Lytton 1999; Schooley and Worden 1996; Shaw 1996; and Bernheim et al, 2001). For the latter, however, the issue is not clear cut. On the one hand, wealthy individuals can more easily afford to incur the losses resulting from a risky investment and their accumulated wealth may even be a reflection of their preferred level of risk. Alternatively, wealthy people may be more conservative with their money while people with low levels of personal wealth may view risky investments as a form of lottery ticket and be more willing to bear the risk associated with such payoffs. This argument is analogous to Bowmans (1982) proposition that troubled firms prefer and seek risk. Investigation of the investment decisions made by married individuals presents a unique challenge to researchers as the investment portfolio of the couple may reflect the combined risk preferences of the couple (Bernasek and Shwiff, 2001). The available evidence suggests that single investors are more risk tolerant (Roszkowski, Snelbecker and Leimberg, 1993) although some research has failed to identify any significant relationship (McInish, 1982; Masters, 1989; and Haliassos and Bertaut, 1995). Methodology The study employs primary data collected by communicating with the respondents with the help of a structured questionnaire. Before undertaking the survey, a pilot test of the questionnaire was done with 40 respondents. Their views were incorporated in the final questionnaire and desired results were obtained. The study is based on responses obtained from the respondents belonging to a wide cross section. The total sample consisted of about 150 people, Males/Females from Salaried/ Self Employed, were split from different Age groups of Less than 35, 35-45, 45 and above. Investment Experience (Measured in the No of years) and the savings of Individuals post investment was also observed. The study employed non-probabilistic sampling method to select the respondents. The sampling method used can best be described as a mix of judgmental and convenient sampling. The questionnaire (Annexure) consists of a risk profiling exercise combined with the demographic characteristics required about the investor. Later a combination of cluster analysis along with a couple of other tests like LOGIT, PROBIT Etc will be used. DATA ANALYSIS The risk taking ability of the respondents was found by looking at the patterns and similarities that could be found and understood in the data. Techniques of Regression and Logit tests are used. Then the demographic characteristics of the people to their risk taking ability and any similar patterns are also identified. From the final questionnaire we got to know the risk profile, demographic profile, choice of investments, other habits and observations etc. Later any patterns and similarities were looked at in the data. The analysis was done using Logit tests identifying probabilities, Multi logistic regression, Man- Whitney U test and chi square. The following hypotheses were formulated to study whether the choice of Investment depends upon variables, such as, gender, age, income, educational qualification and occupation. The hypotheses are stated as follows: Ho.1: There is no significant difference between the males and females in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.2: There is no significant difference among the investors belonging to different age groups in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.3: There is no significant difference between the investors of different occupations in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.4: There is no significant difference between the investors having different investment experience in their choice of investment avenues. Ho.5: There is no significant difference between the investors having different savings post investment in their choice of investment avenues. Logit Regression Using the data, we have calculated if the respondent is a risk taking or a risk averse investor. His risk taking behavior is taken as a Dependent variable. The various independent variables include Age, Gender, No of dependents, Income; savings post investments, investment experience etc. The model studies the change in the dependent variable due to change in all these independent variables. We use ungrouped method of Logit regression as we observe that these variables are independent and are not very much correlated with each other; hence they show lesser chance of hetroscedasticity with each other. Wald statistic (test) was used to test the significance of individual logistic regression coefficients for each independent variables ( that is to test the null hypothesis in logistic regression that a particular logit coefficient is zero). It is the ratio of the unstandardised logit coefficient to its standard error. The Wald statistic and its corresponding p probability level is part of the SPSS output. The independents may be dropped from the equations when their effect is not significant by the Wald statistic. We observe that the regression equation is significant at 10% with Wald value of 2.959. It was observed that among the independent variables the Age, gender and Investment experience are considered to be significant with a Wald value of 18.571, 3.47, 3.457 respectively they are also significant as they fall in significance level of 10%. However No of dependents, the Income and savings post investment are not significant enough and they are not at a significant level too with more than 10% significance level. It is observed that the number of dependents or siblings of a person does not define his risk taking ability and capacity, same is the reason for the person being salaried or being self employed for his living. There is no pattern observed for the level of savings that person has after his investment habits. Hence it can be said that the risk taking capacity can be mainly judged by his Age, Gender and Investment experience. The logit can be converted easily into an odds ratio simply by using an exponential function. The original odds are multiplied by e to the bth power, where b is the logistic regression coefficient, when the given independent increases by one unit. The ratio of odds ratio of the independent is the ratio of the relative importance of the independent variables on the dependent variables. The value of ratio for income 1.083 . Hence a unit change in income affects the change in risk taking ability by 1.083 Further in the regression equation the variable Age is highly significant with the score of 21.443 in the equation, so is gender and investment experience. The equation has a overall statistics of 28.953 with a appropriate significance level. R Square in logistic regression R2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" measures attempts to measure strength of association. For small examples, for instance, an R2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" like measure might be high when the goodness of fit was unacceptable by model chi- square or some other test. Cox and Snell R square is used to in the interpretation of multiple R square based on the likelihood, but the value lesser than1 is, the better. Here the value is 0.230. Nagelkerkes R2 divides Cox and Snells R2 by its maximum in order to achieve a measure that ranges from 0 to 1. Therefore Nagelkerkes R2 which is here 0.310 will normally be higher than the Cox and Snell measure but will tend to run lower than the corresponding OLS R2 which is 133.048. Nagelkerkes R2 is the most-reported of the R-squared estimates. Conclusion The insight of how an investment choice gets affected by the demographic variables helps the financial advisors to advise their clients better. The clients, on the other hand, on being advised regarding the investments that suit their profile, will not only rate such an advice higher but will also appreciate it. This study thus, will certainly improve the mutual trust between the advisor and his client. Similar studies with diverse samples will help in understanding the investment psychology better. From the research we observe that the risk taking ability can be mainly judged by his Age, Gender and Investment experience. That is if the person falls in a specific age category, the financial planner cab be readily prepared for the desires level of risky portfolio to be offered to the client. It has been noticed from the data that mostly people with high age are risk adverse on the contrary young people like to take very high risks and invest in aggressive stocks and speculative instruments. Men have been observed to be more risk taking and aggressive than most females. And people who have experience of trading in the financial markets also determine the level of risk they like to take. It is observed that the no of dependents or siblings that a person does not define his risk taking ability and capacity initially we thought that people who have more no of siblings would like to take less risk however same has not been observed in this case, same is the case for the person being salaried or being self employed for his living. Similarly no pattern has been observed for the level of savings that person has after his investment habits and the level of risk that he like to take.