Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Texting While Driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Texting While Driving - Essay Example The familiar text tone emitted from my mobile phone that was holstered in its holder clip in front of my air-conditioning vent. I glanced down at it and saw the information â€Å"1 new text: Mother†. Having driven down this road many times before, and often times answering text messages as I did that, I thought nothing of grabbing my phone from its holder and opening the message to read it, glancing up at the road once in a while to make sure I did not crash into a tree or something. She was worried that I had left without having any breakfast and I had forgotten to tell her that I was leaving early. She just wanted to know where I was headed out to. As I began answering the message, another message came in from my best friend, which I also felt an immediate need to respond to. Pretty soon, I was driving with one hand and texting with the other while my eyes darted back and forth between the two activities that divided my brain concentration. Then I suddenly heard a bump and m y car thudded over whatever it was that was lying on the road that I had not seen. I got down from the car and checked under neath. I had hit an obviously family owned dog whose master was currently running towards me, shouting in anger. Although I had taken the animal to the vet and paid for the medical expenses, a police officer still came over to investigate what happened.

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